Benidorm is a Great Base – but jumpers not generally needed

Base Jumping in Benidorm
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Base Jumping in Benidorm
Base Jumping in Benidorm (photo via

Many Brits will flock to the warming Spanish Costas this summer, as families look forward to a break in the sun. Over recent years too, Benidorm has somewhat transformed its image, into something altogether a little more modern.

Whilst the British-themed pubs, fast food joints, water parks and cabaret clubs here are always appreciated, some new activities are attracting a new group of holidaymakers.

However, sometimes things can go wrong for the ill-prepared, as an Austrian BASE jumper found to her cost recently.

Hosting the world championships, Benidorm was packed with BASE jumping enthusiasts last weekend over the weekend of June 8 – 9.

Experienced BASE jumper Maria Steinmayer was attempting a leap from one of the beachside hotels for which Benidorm has become famous. However, thanks to an incorrectly packed parachute, she was blown straight into the side of the building on the 10th floor.

Fortunately for the jumper, the balcony door was unlocked, allowing her to grapple her way to safety and suffer nothing more than a broken nose and a number of cuts and bruises.

Always ready to help in times of need though, the Brits were on the scene quickly to administer first aid, with a source watching the event saying to local press:

“A British couple down the hall heard her banging on doors for help and tended to her many cuts until medics arrived.”

Whilst BASE jumping, which sees participants leap from fixed objects, (such as buildings, antennas, spans and earth), is an extreme activity, Benidorm offers far safer holiday activities.

The coastal resort, which can be easily and affordably visited thanks to Co-op Travel, is now one of the best mainland Spain destinations for scuba diving, with enthusiasts from all across the world coming to enjoy the warming Med and stunning sea life on display.

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There are also lots of first-class restaurants here, which are happily slashing prices just in time for the peak season too.

Shopping is also on the up – a number of exclusive boutique stores have recently opened in the main retail centres of the region, attracting celebrities and tourists alike. There are excellent savings to be had for those in line for a bargain.

Perhaps most importantly though is the near 3,000 hours of sun that Benidorm gets every year. With the clear Mediterranean lapping the shores of the white beaches too, no matter what new and exciting things come along, the simple things are what continue to make this place such a hot destination.

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