Into the Wild Pantanal

Four Brazilian fishermen and I piled into the back of a covered pick-up truck at the roadside rendezvous point to catch a lift into the Pantanal. They knew the area well and were happy to be returning to their familiar fishing spot, while my joy came from each and every unknown. Despite being one of … Continued

A Big Brazilian Announcement

As I sit here in the Brasilia Airport eagerly awaiting my flight to the Brazilian wetlands of Pantanal, I’m happy to finally officially announce a very big project. Over the next three months I will be partnering with the National Tourism Board of Brazil to travel across Brazil and document my adventures on their new … Continued

A Brazilian Music Guide from Freaky to Fancy

It’s 4:15AM on a Sunday morning and the party is hitting that pivotal moment; do I have what it takes to rally or is it time to throw in the towel? Fortunately on this particular night, two lovely brunettes and a provocative Brazilian song made that decision for me. While the dance floor was packed … Continued

A Portuguese Progress Report

Just like in high school, I’m learning to use a lot less tongue and focus more on the movements of my mouth. This is one the major pronunciation differences between Spanish and Portuguese, and I’m starting to pick it up. I still have a heavy Spanish accent and often use Spanish to fill in for Portuguese … Continued

Robbed in Rio

99 out of 100 times I look around before I take my phone out in public. 99 out of 100 times I put my back against a wall or object if I have it out for any longer than a quick snap. 99 out of 100 f#¢&ing times I’m aware, cautious and more than a … Continued

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