The Juice is Worth the Squeeze in Semuc Champey

Every now and then certain situations arise that make me question this life of travel. In this particular instance, it was a hellish seven-hour drive in the back of a stuffy shuttle bus from Rio Dulce to Lanquin, Guatemala. As if roadside construction, massive potholes and tropical climate weren’t enough, my beautiful co-pilot came down … Continued

4 Essential Money Saving Tips for Travelers

There’s a world of information out there about saving money while you travel, but I have found that if you follow just five simple tips of financial planning, you can save big bucks and stretch your money much further while on the road. Here are the five simple tips that have helped me save money while … Continued

Tips on Saving Money to Travel The World

One of the most important things I’ve learned about travel over the past four years of working and traveling abroad is that – world travel isn’t as expensive as many people believe. You don’t have to be a millionaire to travel the world, however, you do have to be smart with your money. If an … Continued

A Sweet Spot along Rio Dulce

From Antigua, we snagged a shuttle into Guatemala City where we jumped on a bus heading for Rio Dulce. Fortunately, we made the seven-hour trek up to the Caribbean Coast in a comfortable cross-country liner, rather than the typical chicken buses I’d been accustomed to while traveling within Guatemala. As soon as we stepped off … Continued

Fotoz Friday: Dia de Los Muertos

Today marks a very special holiday in Latin culture. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is the holiday that focuses on the gathering of friends and family to pray for and remember those who have died. The celebration takes place on November 2nd, directly following el Dia de Los Santos (All Saints’ Day) … Continued

Deja Vu in Antigua, Guatemala

Tourist shops line the cobblestone streets, as backpackers zig-zag between locals in central Antigua. The old capital city has helped write a rich history for Guatemala, and today it finds a way to balance old traditions with a growing tourism industry that pushes for change. The best example of this is the McDonalds and Burger … Continued

Travelling to the Mississippi Gulf Coast

Have you ever considered a trip the Mississippi Gulf Coast? It is an often overlooked destination spot that is full of culture, history, recreation and natural beauty. There are a ton of resources out there that make it easy to plan an affordable vacation to the Gulf Coast. What’s really great is how affordable and … Continued

Fotoz Friday: Townie Sightings

I had a great week traveling deeper through the Guatemalan countryside and I’m getting more comfortable with my surroundings everyday. Next week, I’ll be traveling outside my work’s jurisdiction for the first time in a month of being here in Guatemala and I’m excited about bringing you new photos from a different side of this beautiful country. … Continued

La Feria Video and a Big Thank You

The above video highlights all the hard work and dedication that the BiblioWorks Organization put into the first ever Literacy Fair in Sucre, Bolivia this past spring. La Feria de La Lectura was held in Plazuela San Francisco on April 14, 2012, and it went off without a hitch! This was the culmination of my … Continued

Who Goes On a River Cruise?

When my partner suggested we take a river cruise I thought he was joking. We’re not old. Our holidays are adventurous, occasionally luxurious. I imagined poky cabins, bingo evenings and worse. We were too young to join a cruise. I asked him if he’d considered who goes on a river cruise. Glamorous grannies and old … Continued

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