How to Make the Most of a Trip to Leeds

A thriving UK city, Leeds offers plenty of attractions to the average tourist. Of course, holidays aren’t all about excitement and activity – sometimes you need to put your feet up too. So, how can you make the most of a trip to Leeds whilst getting the ‘R and R’ you need. Shopping The ultimate … Continued

TRAVEL REVIEW: Online Travel Agency recently contacted me and said they would buy me a yacht if I traveled around the world and talk about the power of humans. I respectfully declined because I don’t want to upset any robots, so instead, I offered to check out and review their new online travel agency and share with you what I think. … Continued

Unmissable things to see and do in Amsterdam

Planning a quick jaunt to Amsterdam? I don’t blame you – there’s loads to see and do in the city and, as an added bonus, it’s really scenic too. If you’ve never been before, it’s well worth trying to squeeze some of the Dutch capital’s top attractions into your itinerary – read on to find … Continued

My Summer of Surprises in Yorkshire

I didn’t want to go. I really didn’t want to go. My partner and I had the whole summer together. We were free from work, responsibility and commitments. So why would we go to Yorkshire? Why not cruise Croatia’s coast, become bohemians in Barcelona or hang with hipsters in Helsinki? Why the north of England? … Continued

The Top Beers of Asia [Infographic]

Beer is the world’s great networker. Even if you don’t speak the language or understand the culture, bonds are formed over sharing brews and it has been one of the major facilitators in allowing me to travel deeper around the world and meet locals. Asia is a place rich in tradition and serious about their … Continued

Three Outstanding Eastern European Holiday Destinations

When it comes to your holidays, you need to make sure you choose the right place for you. Taking the time to look further afield than the usual holiday destinations will throw up some great surprises. Eastern Europe has some of the best locations to offer and they are not tracked out by the vast … Continued

C’est Vintage, Darling: The Most Stylish Vintage Shops in Paris

Paris may be the shopper’s paradise, but even just the most cursory glance down boutique-lined Avenue Montaigne could have you blowing your budget faster than you can say ‘Chanel’. The savvy shoppers of Paris tend to save their spending for the famous city-wide sales, as well as the many vintage and second-hand shops that tourists … Continued

The Osmonaut: Going from Traveller to Local in France

How many countries have you ‘done’? Like, really done? We all like ticking places off our to-visit list; collecting the passport stamp, taking some photos, bringing home the hand-crafted souvenirs to show how ‘authentic’ our trip was. We feel like you’ve been there, and got the metaphorical t-shirt. But have you really been there? How … Continued

T2T Summer Plans & Video Preview

I have decided to make a change this summer and focus my attention on something that has been lacking from this site. Today I pledge to you that will be focusing almost entirely on video over the next few months as I attempt to bring you into my world while traveling deeper. I have … Continued

5 Great Adventures in the Yucatan Peninsula

The Yucatan Peninsula on Mexico’s eastern coastline is one of the most popular destinations for American tourist looking for an affordable tropical vacation. While the beachfront photos and spring break stories have always caught my attention, the region has never been on my radar for places I’d like to visit. I’ve just always envisioned massive … Continued

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