Portraits of A Bolivian Book Fair & The Feelings Involved

I’m writing this post from 35,000 feet in the air on my way from Santa Cruz, Bolivia to Cancun, Mexico. As I squeeze into the middle-row seat on a 6-hour flight between 2 layovers and an overnight bus ride, nothing can push me off the feeling I have at this moment. The feeling is of … Continued

Surviving the World’s Most Dangerous Road in Bolivia

[WATCH IN HD] To be fair, it’s technically not considered the “World’s Most Dangerous Road” anymore. Due to the construction of a new highway close by, which directs most traffic away from its path, they’ve recently upgraded the trails nickname to a much more simple, passive and inviting moniker… “The Death Road” Okay, so the … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: La Isla del Sol

La Isla del Sol AKA the Island of the Sun rests peacefully on the Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca. After touring the floating islands of the Uros from Puno, Peru, I took a uneventful 4-hour bus ride across the Bolivian border and into Copacabana, Bolivia. Copacabana is a nice little lakefront village that is both … Continued

Behind the Scenes: La Feria de la Lectura

We’re officially 10 days away from the first ever book fair here in Sucre, Bolivia and the BiblioWorks squad has been running around like crazy to ensure the event’s success. La Feria de la Lectura (the literature fair) will be held on Saturday, April 14th in downtown Sucre right next to the central market in … Continued

How to Make Friends While Traveling

How to make friends is one of the most frequent questions I receive in the T2T inbox. The entire concept of this site focuses on that interaction and I base the success of each adventure on the friends I’ve made and authentic moments I’ve shared with locals. I’m not saying you can’t have the same … Continued

A Wet and Wild Carnival in Sucre

On one of my first nights in Sucre I had dinner on the balcony of a lovely little restaurant overlooking the city’s main square. As I gazed out across the beautiful gardens and sidewalks that lined the plaza I noticed something really disturbing. A group of young college kids were hurling water balloons across the … Continued

Getting off the Beaten Track in Hotels around Brazil

Traveling round Brazil is an experience not easily forgotten. The culture, the history, the people, the atmosphere – it all blends together to create an experience many travelers never forget, and makes them return again and again. If you’re thinking of traveling to Brazil, one of the first things you will have to sort out … Continued

Top Rock Climbing and Hiking Destinations in South Africa

South Africa is known for offering some of the best rock climbing and hiking locations in the world. Every year large numbers of international tourists come to explore its mountain wildernesses and take part in many different types of hiking and rock climbing activities. As South Africa is a democracy, holidaying and touring here is … Continued

February Update: Celebrating in Sucre

February found my suitcase stored in the closet and my feet securely rooted in Sucre. A figure known as Carnival cast its giant shadow over everything this month, resulting in little productivity here in Bolivia throughout February. I celebrated the festivities with local friends as we danced in the streets, drank leche de tigre (coconut, … Continued

Las Vegas: The Pleasures of an Artificial World

The glittering skyline of Las Vegas is straight out of a science fiction film. Where else can you see the Statue of Liberty, a giant pyramid, the great Sphinx, a volcano, Paris and Venice all painstakingly recreated in the same place? Las Vegas holidays are all about the pleasures of make-believe. Let’s not forget the … Continued

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