A Day in the Life of a Kiva Fellow

This is a peek into my daily routine as a Kiva Fellow in Guatemala. I was working with a new microfinance partner in ADICLA, so most days consisted of visiting borrowers around the region and uploading their profiles to the Kiva.org network. Join the T2T Kiva Lending Team and help fund the people I’ve met. … Continued


American best-selling author, Greg Anderson, once said, “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” I bet you $100 Greg Anderson has never been to Guatemala, because if he has, he wouldn’t be hyping up this journey thing so much. As a man who … Continued

My Black Friday Travel Wish List

Travel is a real son of a gun. Once you experience one destination, you’re immediately drawn to ten more. I’m sitting here in Sololá, Guatemala in the midst of my latest travel adventure and I can’t keep my mind from wandering and wondering what’s next. Pinterest is partly to blame, as are my fellow adventurers, … Continued

The Juice is Worth the Squeeze in Semuc Champey

Every now and then certain situations arise that make me question this life of travel. In this particular instance, it was a hellish seven-hour drive in the back of a stuffy shuttle bus from Rio Dulce to Lanquin, Guatemala. As if roadside construction, massive potholes and tropical climate weren’t enough, my beautiful co-pilot came down … Continued

A Sweet Spot along Rio Dulce

From Antigua, we snagged a shuttle into Guatemala City where we jumped on a bus heading for Rio Dulce. Fortunately, we made the seven-hour trek up to the Caribbean Coast in a comfortable cross-country liner, rather than the typical chicken buses I’d been accustomed to while traveling within Guatemala. As soon as we stepped off … Continued

La Feria Video and a Big Thank You

The above video highlights all the hard work and dedication that the BiblioWorks Organization put into the first ever Literacy Fair in Sucre, Bolivia this past spring. La Feria de La Lectura was held in Plazuela San Francisco on April 14, 2012, and it went off without a hitch! This was the culmination of my … Continued

Fotoz Friday: Meetings with a View

Foto Friday is back and better than ever! Actually, I just added a “z” at the end of “Foto” to make it seem cool. What do you think? Impressed? I figured, one photo on Friday was just a tease, so I added a “z” and vow to bring you multiple photos every Friday to distract … Continued

Three Years into an Incomplete Project

On October 1st 2009, I boarded a one-way flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. On October 2nd, 2009 I questioned what the hell I was doing with my life. Three years later, I write this post from a small desk, in a closet-sized office, located on a side street in downtown Sololá, Guatemala. It’s amazing where … Continued

First Impressions of Guatemala

I can’t help but to smile as my ass takes a pounding while we cruise through the side streets of rural Sololá. The roads are gutted, the ride is long and the cold rain is just starting to pierce through my second layer and down my back, making my nipples rock hard. I couldn’t be … Continued

The Art of the Arrival [VIDEO]

The actual act of traveling is a beautiful balance between art and science. It’s where preparation and planning meet real-time obstacles and improvisation. Delayed flights, lost baggage and random roadblocks are all part of the fun. As much as I love having a homebase and being in control of my surroundings, I get a kick out of … Continued

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