Sambo’s Monkeymentary

**Watch in HD** On day 1 of volunteering at Paseo Los Monos Monkey Rescue Center in Puyo, Ecuador my camera was confiscated by Sambo, the alpha woolly monkey. He told me I could have it back at the end of the week, but not before he put together this short video explaining his life at … Continued


While sunburning my way through Northern Peru, I had the opportunity to stop by the famous archaeological site of Chan Chan located just a few miles outside the city of Trujillo. Built by the kingdom of Chimú around 850 AD, Chan Chan was the largest Pre-Columbian city in South America before being conquered by the … Continued

Life in Lima: Erotic Art, Pisco Sours & Dead Bodies

As the 5th largest city in South America you’d think Lima would get a little more respect. Before arriving in Peru’s capital, all I heard was that Lima is a boring pass-through metropolis that you could experience in 4 days on your way to Machu Picchu. Not one to listen to other’s travel reviews, I … Continued

New Year’s Eve in Cusco, Peru

I think the video explains all the chaos and excitement of the New Year’s celebration in Cusco, Peru better than I ever could in words. Cusco is one of the two most popular places to celebrate New Years in Peru (the other being Mancora) and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The city grew in anticipation from … Continued

Tainted Love in Cuenca

I wanted to love you. I wanted you to be like people said you would. I was tired of running around and ready for a relationship. You introduced me around town and fed me well. Your tranquility was comforting and at night your face lit up when I went downtown. You seduced me with your … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: Devouring Guinea Pig (Cuy)

Cuenca was the final stop on my Ecuador adventure and I had yet to experience the most famous of Ecuadorian cuisine, the guinea pig or cuy. I had the opportunity to taste these little bastards on numerous occasions from street stalls and restaurants around Ecuador but had managed to dodge them until this point. On … Continued

A Brief Guide to Portuguese Culture

Before travelling to any country, it’s a good idea to get to grips with the local culture before you set off. Now, I know Portugal isn’t too far away from the UK and, given that it’s a European country, you might think you know enough already, but it’s still worth making sure you’re familiar with … Continued

Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador

The Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador is South America’s largest market and on Saturdays the whole town comes out for an orgy of awesomeness. You can buy anything from snails and mystery meat to fake shrunken heads and dream catchers. For those of you who know about my addiction to markets you can understand what … Continued

Futbol in Ecuador: A Buffet of Family-Friendly Madness

Friday afternoon I decided to push my boundaries a bit and take a solo mission over to the Ecuador vs Venezuela World Cup Qualifier match and try to grab a ticket. I’ve never been to a sporting event by myself, yet alone one in a foreign city, so I figured this would be a fun … Continued

7 Reasons Why Chicago is the Greatest City in America

Denver and Salt Lake City have fresh air and outdoor adventure, San Diego and Miami have awesome beaches and nightlife, San Francisco and Seattle have great food and brilliant minds and New York… well, they have a ton of everything. But, in my completely skewed opinion, none of these cities add up to what I … Continued

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