My Hare Krishna Experience [VIDEO]

Hare Krishna Eco-Truly Park in Chiclayo, Peru
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Here is some footage I shot from the Eco-Truly Park in Chiclayo, Peru as I spent 5 days learning about the Hare Krishna religion, eating like a vegetarian and developing my yoga skillz.

Read all about My Time with Hare Krishna here

Hare Krishna Eco-Truly Park in Chiclayo, Peru
One day I will touch my toes...

5 Responses

  1. Not obsessed w u bc you’re decently good looking & your bf is a majorly good lay (no disrespect to yoga), but rather bc you take, “You can be anything when you grow up,” & you grow it up. I look at what you do, & it’s like: this all makes sense. How we’re supposed to pursue what we want to do. …Does this make sense? Anyway, love what you do. …Namaste.
    Barbara Ellen recently posted..Life. EXPLETIVE! I’m In My 20’s – Let’s Commiserate.My Profile

  2. I had to laugh at the toe touching, but you are right that is why yoga is called a “practice” as the aim is to improve, there is no end point.

    When you are at home try a hot yoga class, the heat helps you stretch a bit farther. Or come to Toronto and I’ll take you to my studio.
    Ayngelina recently posted..Torn between two worldsMy Profile

    1. I’ve heard great things about “hot” yoga or Bikram yoga, I definitely want to try that. Although, I sweat so much that I’m not sure if I would be able to hold any pose for too long.

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