American best-selling author, Greg Anderson, once said, “Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” I bet you $100 Greg Anderson has never been to Guatemala, because if he has, he wouldn’t be hyping up this journey thing so much. As a man who … Continued

The Ultimate Guide to Guatemalan Cuisine

Strap yourself in for a magical ride through the kitchens and roadside stands of Guatemala, as I take you on a visual tour of all the (edible) things I put in my mouth on a daily basis while living here in Sololá. Guatemalan food is economic, delicious and made up of many Latin American staples, … Continued

A Kiva Update & The New T2T Lending Team

It’s been two months since I arrived in Guatemala and kicked off my adventure with Kiva.org, so I wanted to take a minute to update you on my experience thus far and introduce you to my latest initiative. My primary task here in Sololá has been to work with a new microfinance partner and help … Continued

A Sweet Spot along Rio Dulce

From Antigua, we snagged a shuttle into Guatemala City where we jumped on a bus heading for Rio Dulce. Fortunately, we made the seven-hour trek up to the Caribbean Coast in a comfortable cross-country liner, rather than the typical chicken buses I’d been accustomed to while traveling within Guatemala. As soon as we stepped off … Continued

Fotoz Friday: Dia de Los Muertos

Today marks a very special holiday in Latin culture. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is the holiday that focuses on the gathering of friends and family to pray for and remember those who have died. The celebration takes place on November 2nd, directly following el Dia de Los Santos (All Saints’ Day) … Continued

Deja Vu in Antigua, Guatemala

Tourist shops line the cobblestone streets, as backpackers zig-zag between locals in central Antigua. The old capital city has helped write a rich history for Guatemala, and today it finds a way to balance old traditions with a growing tourism industry that pushes for change. The best example of this is the McDonalds and Burger … Continued

La Feria Video and a Big Thank You

The above video highlights all the hard work and dedication that the BiblioWorks Organization put into the first ever Literacy Fair in Sucre, Bolivia this past spring. La Feria de La Lectura was held in Plazuela San Francisco on April 14, 2012, and it went off without a hitch! This was the culmination of my … Continued

First Impressions of Guatemala

I can’t help but to smile as my ass takes a pounding while we cruise through the side streets of rural Sololá. The roads are gutted, the ride is long and the cold rain is just starting to pierce through my second layer and down my back, making my nipples rock hard. I couldn’t be … Continued

Announcing My Next Travel Adventure

Now Boarding! As of this time tomorrow, I’ll be back in Latin America and kicking off what will prove to be my most intense travel adventure yet! I’ve been back in New York all summer, enjoying friends, family and wedding season, but now it’s time to get back on the road and travel deeper in a … Continued

Salsa Lessons in Medellin, Colombia [VIDEO]

My biggest goal while living in Medellin, Colombia was to trade in my gringo shuffle for some latin coordination by taking salsa lessons during the day and practicing on unsuspecting Colombian women at night. Unlike the States, you can’t go to a nightclub and just sit around. Dancing is a must if you want to meet … Continued

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