First Impressions of Guatemala

I can’t help but to smile as my ass takes a pounding while we cruise through the side streets of rural Sololá. The roads are gutted, the ride is long and the cold rain is just starting to pierce through my second layer and down my back, making my nipples rock hard. I couldn’t be […]
Sambo’s Monkeymentary

**Watch in HD** On day 1 of volunteering at Paseo Los Monos Monkey Rescue Center in Puyo, Ecuador my camera was confiscated by Sambo, the alpha woolly monkey. He told me I could have it back at the end of the week, but not before he put together this short video explaining his life at […]
Un Dia En La Vida – Medellin, Colombia

While I’m happy to be home visiting friends and family for a few months, putting together this little piece really made me miss life back in Medellin. The music, food, language, culture and women… I fell in love with Colombia in the 5 short months of living in Medellin and I can’t wait to get […]
T2T Cribs: My Apartment in Medellin

Here’s a quick tour of my apartment in the Envigado neighborhood of Medellin, Colombia. I live with a Colombian woman named Elsie, her two boys David (20) and Camillo (20) and as of last week, a Canadian girl named Rachel (who’s doing the filming). As you notice in the video, I can’t stop laughing because […]
Photo Essay: A Colombian Finca

One of the greatest aspects of living in Colombia (Medellin, Colombia in particular) is the breathtaking countryside and traditional pueblos that lay just beyond the city’s reach. On any given day, you can jump on a bus and trade the hustle and bustle of downtown Medellin for the tranquility of rural landscapes and traditional villages, […]
Reflections from the Airport

Waiting for my connecting flight at the airport in Santiago, Chile, this is the first chance I’ve had to sit down alone and reflect on this amazing adventure. I think about how hard the last few weeks have been. I think about the life-long relationships I’ve made and the memories that I’ll take with me […]
Home Sweet Home in Buenos Aires!

The first goal once I arrived in Buenos Aires was to find an apartment. While I looked relentlessly on craigslist from my hostel the first 2 mornings, my friend Carolina helped me look for places at Once I found a few places that fit my criteria, she helped me call. When people started talking to fast in […]
Status Update: First Impressions of Buenos Aires

First Impressions of Buenos Aires, Argentina: I am staying in an area without a lot of tourists. I ate alone the first two days/nights because I don’t know anyone. However, I haven’t allowed myself to step into an English speaking bar, restaurant or shop yet. I am struggling to communicate with everyone. I tried to […]
Choosing a Hostel in Buenos Aires

I decided to book a hostel in Buenos Aires for the first few days in Buenos Aires so I can search for apartments, meet potential roommates and jump on the beds before I move in. I put together a Buenos Aires hostel checklist and read a bunch of reviews from hostels in Buenos Aires from […]