Top 10 Reasons Why I Choose Buenos Aires

Why Buenos Aires? Wonderful Question… the simple answer is, I have no idea, Buenos Aires just popped in my head one day and wouldn’t get out. I saw Buenos Aires on the cover of Yahoo’s homepage during a time when I was thinking about branching out from work. After this I started seeing Buenos Aires … Continued

15 People That Inspire Me

Willpower and ambition are the vehicles we use to achieve great things, but it’s the spark that comes from being inspired that fuels that fire. I utilize this blog as a platform to share my thoughts and travel experiences to hopefully inspire others to chase their own dreams, so I wanted to take a minute … Continued

Getting off the Beaten Track in Hotels around Brazil

Traveling round Brazil is an experience not easily forgotten. The culture, the history, the people, the atmosphere – it all blends together to create an experience many travelers never forget, and makes them return again and again. If you’re thinking of traveling to Brazil, one of the first things you will have to sort out … Continued

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