SPANISH, CHAPTER 2: The Pressure

Nati & I @ Buller Christmas Party in Recoleta

The honeymoon is over and it’s time to start bearing down. I’ve been able to penetrate some Argentine social circles and now its time to actually build relationships. I’m decent with salutations (Hellos, goodbyes, etc.) but where the conversation goes from there is anyones guess. I’m also okay with the “where are you from?” and “what […]

X-mas Party @ Buller w. Catupecu Machu

Pablo & I @ Buller Pub Christmas Party in Recoleta, Buenos Aires

Tuesday was the Private Christmas Party for friends and family at Buller. It was a long crazy night filled with great music, drunk employees and crowd surfing bosses. With the bar packed with locals my spanish skills were really put to the test. Usually everyone who comes in sits down and orders a beer or […]

Week 1 at Work: A Bloody Mess!

Week One of Bartending at Buller Pub in Recoleta

Last night I finished up my first week of bartending at Buller Pub in Recoleta. I’m a bit drained but pumped for the connections and Spanish practice I’ll have through this job. I still have a ton of names to remember but I think I came up with a good system. I find characteristics about the […]

Tom Cruise from Cocktail it is…

I decided to follow the work and travel advice of a best friend and my sister and take a job slinging bottles here in Buenos Aires. Although i’m not a big Tom Cruise fan, his role in the 1988 box office classic, Cocktail, inspired me to pursue this new venture. Thanks to my basketball buddy Anibal, I […]