Day 3: Iruya, Humahuaca & Dog Fights

As Rocio got ready for Day 3’s adventure, I took a stroll across the Malka Hostel to a viewpoint next to the entrance that overlooked Tilcara. At first glance, Tilcara looks like a different world. Houses are made from the most basic of material, old cars on dirt roads, scavenging dogs and short-women carrying 5 […]
Day 2: Salinas Grandes, 7 Colors & Tilcara

After an amazing first day in Salta Rocio and I woke up early to go explore the Northern most provinceĀ of Argentina, Jujuy. We planned to head up there first because we wanted to be back in Salta for the weekend to see the Argentina World Cup match and the big bicentenerio festival. We packed up […]
How do I Balance this Life?

I’m sitting here writing this from the most beautiful hostel I’ve ever stayed in. I’m in Tilcara, Argentina (North of Salta) and staying at theĀ Malka Hostel. The hostel sits on the edge of a hill overlooking the quiet traditional village that is Tilcara. The Malka Hostel is designed like a Spanish summer camp with cabins […]