Salsa Lessons in Medellin, Colombia [VIDEO]
My biggest goal while living in Medellin, Colombia was to trade in my gringo shuffle for some latin coordination by taking salsa lessons during the day and practicing on unsuspecting Colombian women at night. Unlike the States, you can’t go to a nightclub and just sit around. Dancing is a must if you want to meet […]
February Update: Building off Setbacks
In my quest to get more accomplished and be more efficient (profitable) in year 27, I’ve decided to follow in the footsteps of some other great travel bloggers (like Never Ending Voyage & Traveling Savage) and write a monthly report. This will help me stay focused on site goals, update everyone on my current missions […]
Tango, Salsa, Milonga & Club 69
The night started out classy, romantic and educational and it ended with a fantasy induced sex-fest of a party (yet, still highly educational). Feeling pretty confident after our semi-successful polo debut we decided to give dance lessons a try last night. After very little research my roommate mentioned La Viruta for Tango, Milunga and Salsa classes. […]