An Outdoor Adventure in Wales

Cottages along the beautiful coastline of Wales
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Cottages along the beautiful coastline of Wales
Cottages along the beautiful coastline of Wales

While studying abroad in London I had the opportunity to visit Pembrokeshire, Wales for a wild weekend of outdoor adventure. We stayed at a beautiful cottage snuggled within the incredible Welsh rolling green hills that stretched out to the beautiful jagged coastline.

Cottages in Wales are not difficult or expensive to book and they are an incredible alternative to your typical travel experience.

Our Cottage in Wales
Our Cottage in Wales

We spent 5 days hiking and exploring the coastline, kayaking with seals in the ocean and cliff jumping.

At night we walked through the dark to a small town about a mile away from our cottage where we found a lively bar in the middle of town packed with locals enjoying the holidays.

Wales Bar
The local bar was open to everyone

When we weren’t drinking Guinness and other local ales with the super friendly Welsh residents we were keeping warm in our cottage while our host family cooked traditional Welsh food. Delicious stews and warm cider were the perfect end to exploring the amazing countryside.

The Wales Crew
The Wales Crew

My goal is one day gather the family up and search for holiday cottages in Wales to spend christmas and the new year. The landscape is so beautiful and warm feeling I think it would be the perfect place to spend the holidays. Now I just need the bank account to fly everyone there!

Wales Coastline
A water break along the beautiful coastline of Wales

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