10 Must See Brazilian Movies

Before I moved to Brazil, I filtered my Netflix and searched the Internet for Brazilian movies and documentaries to gain some perspective on life here in Brazil. Although many of the Brazilian movies were based on drug trafficking, poverty and favelas (much like Colombian movies), I managed to find a few good ones that portray … Continued

Brazil Carnival Behind the Scenes (Part 1)

I decided to document the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro experience for two reasons; The first was to show you all just how epic the celebration is here in Brazil, and the second was  so that I could remember what happened the night before. DAY 1 – We started the “official” Carnival celebration with a bloco in … Continued

Rio de Janeiro Carnival in Photos

Take your favorite spring break memories, add Halloween costumes, beautiful half-naked people, live music and an entire city that fuels the party and you’ll begin to understand carnival in Rio de Janeiro. I spent the last week masquerading from one bloco to the next as Rio de Janeiro opened their doors to insanity. Until I finish … Continued

9 Drinks To Try While Traveling South America

After four years of traveling deeper in South America one thing still remains constant across every country I’ve been to; People love to celebrate life and there’s no better way to break down international (or language) barriers than over a couple of drinks. Here’s a list of all the traditional drinks across South America for … Continued

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