Brazil Carnival – Highlights from Sambadrome

Brazil Carnival 2014 in Rio de Janeiro
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Carnival in Brazil is celebrated all over the country, especially in Salvador de Bahia and Rio de Janeiro, however, the most famous visuals from carnival come from the Sambadrome (Sambodromo) stadium here in Rio, where samba schools from all over the city compete in a two day parade to determine a grand carnival champion.

Here are the visual highlights from my two nights spent watching and parading at the Sambadrome in Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil Carnival 2014 in Rio de Janeiro
This is what Carnival (and Brazil) is all about.


Go Behind the Scenes of Rio Carnival and see all the blocos, parties and late nights.

Brazil Carnival in Photos

The party that sparked the interest – Brazil Carnival Preparation with Sabrina Sato and Vila Isabel

See also  Learning Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro

4 Responses

    1. Thanks Sharon it was an amazing experience! If you ever have the opportunity, even to just come watch, I would say do it!

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