Behind the Scenes: La Feria de la Lectura

We’re officially 10 days away from the first ever book fair here in Sucre, Bolivia and the BiblioWorks squad has been running around like crazy to ensure the event’s success. La Feria de la Lectura (the literature fair) will be held on Saturday, April 14th in downtown Sucre right next to the central market in … Continued

A Wet and Wild Carnival in Sucre

On one of my first nights in Sucre I had dinner on the balcony of a lovely little restaurant overlooking the city’s main square. As I gazed out across the beautiful gardens and sidewalks that lined the plaza I noticed something really disturbing. A group of young college kids were hurling water balloons across the … Continued

My Time with Hare Krishna

This experience would have never happened if it wasn’t for friend and fellow traveler Ayngelina from Bacon is Magic. We were having a chat one day while I was in Lima and she told me I had to visit Eco Truly Park, a Hare Krishna community outside Lima. As I began to explain that it … Continued

A Memorable Christmas in Cusco

One of the greatest things about travel is how the people you meet dictate your decisions and experiences. I strongly believe that individuals are put into your path for a reason and it’s up to you to take advantage of the opportunity and figure out why they’re there. It was Christmas Eve in Cusco and … Continued

The VIP Section at Machu Picchu

Resting high above any good night club, looking down at the shleps who fight for a spot at the bar is the VIP section. A place where the rich and beautiful pop bottles and celebrate life. Back in the day, when Machu Picchu was the most exclusive nightclub in all of the Inca Empire, I … Continued

My Machu Picchu Experience

At 4:30am the alarm on my cellphone went off as I laid there staring at it. I hadn’t slept at all. I was just waiting with restless anticipation. The girls and I got dressed quick and met Juan Carlos in the lobby to set out into the darkness. It was day 4 of our trip … Continued

The Trek to Machu Picchu

This was one of those adventures that I will keep with me for my entire life. When I set out on my most recent trip to South America in October, I had no intentions of visiting Machu Picchu. My goal was to pass through Ecuador and Peru as quick as possible to get settled in … Continued

69 Lessons Learned from Latin Lovers

69. Latin women love same-side sitting. I think it’s sexy if done with the right person and food selection (When eating ribs respect the space). 68. Chivalry isn’t dead gentlemen. Open doors, pull out chairs and offer your jacket. 67. Unlike American women, don’t expect Latin women to thank you for your chivalry, it’s expected. … Continued

The Poor Man’s Galapagos

Making my way south on the Peruvian tourist circuit, I grabbed a bus from Lima to Pisco to check out Las Islas Ballestas (the Ballestas Islands) and the Paracas Reserve aka “The Poor Man’s Galapagos”. I have to say, the bus ride from Lima to Pisco was the most beautiful part of this trip. I … Continued

Photoessay: Sandboarding the Huacachina Oasis

On my way down to Arequipa and the Colca Canyon I made a quick 2-day stop in Ica, Peru to visit the beautiful oasis town of Huacachina, just outside the city. When I told a friend I was going to Huacachina, she confirmed how beautiful it was and explained the legend behind the oasis. As … Continued

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