An Explorer’s Dilemma

An Explorer's Dilemma

On February 1st, I moved into a one-bedroom apartment in my hometown of Rochester to work on the launch of two new projects, plan the next adventure, catch up on video footage and see about a girl. This past Sunday marked my 29th birthday, and I found myself in the familiar birthday mindset of being […]

The End of the World – A Mayan Expert Clarifies

End of the World - A Mayan Expert Explains at Tikal Ruins

Rumor has it that the Mayans had predicted the world to end on December 21, 2012. I wanted to see if I should start maxing out the credit cards or not, so I went to the Mayan Ruins of Tikal in Peten, Guatemala to ask an expert. We had a great tour guide at the […]

My Black Friday Travel Wish List

My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Travel is a real son of a gun. Once you experience one destination, you’re immediately drawn to ten more. I’m sitting here in Sololá, Guatemala in the midst of my latest travel adventure and I can’t keep my mind from wandering and wondering what’s next. Pinterest is partly to blame, as are my fellow adventurers, […]

A Kiva Update & The New T2T Lending Team

Solola Guatemala - Kiva Fellowship - Borrower Group

It’s been two months since I arrived in Guatemala and kicked off my adventure with, so I wanted to take a minute to update you on my experience thus far and introduce you to my latest initiative. My primary task here in Sololá has been to work with a new microfinance partner and help […]

15 People That Inspire Me

Great HDR photo of Central London from Trey Ratcliff

Willpower and ambition are the vehicles we use to achieve great things, but it’s the spark that comes from being inspired that fuels that fire. I utilize this blog as a platform to share my thoughts and travel experiences to hopefully inspire others to chase their own dreams, so I wanted to take a minute […]

La Feria Video and a Big Thank You

Volunteering in Bolivia - La Feria de La Lectura Video

The above video highlights all the hard work and dedication that the BiblioWorks Organization put into the first ever Literacy Fair in Sucre, Bolivia this past spring. La Feria de La Lectura was held in Plazuela San Francisco on April 14, 2012, and it went off without a hitch! This was the culmination of my […]

Three Years into an Incomplete Project - Travel Deeper

On October 1st 2009, I boarded a one-way flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. On October 2nd, 2009 I questioned what the hell I was doing with my life. Three years later, I write this post from a small desk, in a closet-sized office, located on a side street in downtown Sololá, Guatemala. It’s amazing where […]

Announcing My Next Travel Adventure

T2T Travel Adventure Announcement

Now Boarding! As of this time tomorrow, I’ll be back in Latin America and kicking off what will prove to be my most intense travel adventure yet! I’ve been back in New York all summer, enjoying friends, family and wedding season, but now it’s time to get back on the road and travel deeper in a […]

Salar de Uyuni Tour

Salar de Uyuni Tour Group

If you know me and anything about this site, then you know a 4-day tour would drive me absolutely insane if I didn’t mix things up a bit along the way. Luckily for me and my partner in crime Kiersten, the other 9 people in our Salar de Uyuni tour group were up for it. […]

Changing Lives in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Proyecto Horizonte in Ushpa-Ushpa outside Cochabamba, Bolivia

Sustainable social initiatives change lives forever and the visionary people who create these incredible projects that grow and impact the fortune of an existing community are who inspire me the most. There isn’t a more perfect example of this than what the Proyecto Horizonte organization is developing in the small town of Ushpa-Ushpa just outside […]