Announcing My Next Travel Adventure

T2T Travel Adventure Announcement
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Now Boarding! As of this time tomorrow, I’ll be back in Latin America and kicking off what will prove to be my most intense travel adventure yet!

I’ve been back in New York all summer, enjoying friends, family and wedding season, but now it’s time to get back on the road and travel deeper in a new country.

This next adventure has been a year in the making and I’m so happy that everything has come to fruition and I can finally announce the big news.

If you haven’t watched the announcement video, or didn’t understand something because you got so excited, let me explain the plan… [Deep Breath]

This evening, I will be flying to Guatemala City, Guatemala where I’ll catch a bus to Sololà, Guatemala to setup shop for the next 3 months.

In Sololá, I’ll be representing the Kiva organization as a Kiva Fellow to work with local partners and loan clients to help train, facilitate and manage loans made through the site.

How Kiva Works?

I’ve spent the last week in San Francisco training at the Kiva headquarters to prepare for the latest mission and I think I’m ready to get started. The mission of Kiva, their culture and their global impact is truly inspirational and I can’t wait to be a part of what they’re doing.

This adventure will put my Spanish ability to the test as I will be the only Kiva representative in the country and will be working with microfinance institutions and entrepreneurs to improve their businesses, entirely in Spanish! Time to improve my Spanish financial and business terms.

See also  Snorkels & Belly Flops in Playa Blanca

As usual, I’ll be keeping you all in the loop through the site (which will have a new look very soon) and I’ll also be hashing out all my thoughts and adventures on the Kiva Fellows Blog, so check that out.

On top of more regular updates, I’ll also be pushing to bring you more videos via YouTube and uploading more candid photos via the T2T facebook page.

What else would you like?

Anyway, lots of information but I’m super excited to jump outside my comfort zone again and travel deeper in Guatemala!

It should be interesting…

T2T Travel Adventure Announcement
Gimme a kiss goodbye.

12 Responses

    1. Wow, thank you Barbara! I’d love to catch up sometime, and it sounds like your friend Laura does amazing work in Africa and Haiti. Anyone helping to advance the world is a friend of mine. : )

    1. Thanks Lisa, I’m pretty excited about the opportunity and hopefully snag some solid videos in the process thanks to you : )

    1. It’s incredible the amount of people who have heard of and work with Kiva. I feel so silly that I had no idea who they were up until a year ago. It’s amazing the impact you have through those loans. Keep it up and thanks for the comment!

  1. I ave always wanted to do something that will change some on’s life for the better. Thanks Gareth for introducing me to Kiva, much appreciated. Would also look forward to hear you experience in your travel adventure.

  2. Congratulations on your upcoming adventure, Gareth! Your commitment to working with Kiva in Guatemala is truly inspiring. Wishing you the best as you immerse yourself in this new experience. Looking forward to following your journey on Tourist2Townie and the Kiva Fellows Blog! Safe travels!

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