How To Blend In With The Locals
Have you ever wondered why, when you’re on holiday, street vendors and souvenir sellers seem to descend on you like flies on a picnic? Do you sometimes feel as though you have a large neon sign saying ‘Tourist’ above your head? Because, let’s face it, generally we Brits aren’t that good at blending into our […]
Shopping the Open Air Markets of Ciutadella

Are you tired of lying around on the beach? Want to get some local sights and sounds in while you’re enjoying your vacation in Menorca? One of the most popular attractions of Ciutadella is the daily open-air market found in the Plaza del Mercat. In addition, Friday and Saturday markets are held at the Plaza […]
5 Wine Regions to Drink in Before You Die

Ever since my Bicycle Wine Tour in Mendoza, Argentina I’ve been addicted to the Malbec wine that’s produced in that Argentine wine region. I’ve never been a big wine connoisseur until that point and now I’m dying to checkout other wine producing regions and wineries around the world. Here are the Top 5 wine regions […]
4 Awesome Travel Gadgets

Whether you’re travelling as a tourist or a townie, you shouldn’t be without your gadgets. Everyone has their favourites, but here are a few extra toys that you should seriously consider taking along with you. SteriPEN Personally, I hate water. I think it’s boring, colourless and tasteless. That said, however, it’s certainly not to be […]
5 Great Summer Cities in Europe

Summer in Europe can be hot and overcrowded with tourists, which could make for a very frustrating summer vacation even in one of the most beautiful and historic regions of the world. With that being said, I would recommend considering a few “alternative” cities in Europe to consider that are absolutely breathtaking and rival the […]
Day 3: Iruya, Humahuaca & Dog Fights

As Rocio got ready for Day 3’s adventure, I took a stroll across the Malka Hostel to a viewpoint next to the entrance that overlooked Tilcara. At first glance, Tilcara looks like a different world. Houses are made from the most basic of material, old cars on dirt roads, scavenging dogs and short-women carrying 5 […]
Day 2: Salinas Grandes, 7 Colors & Tilcara

After an amazing first day in Salta Rocio and I woke up early to go explore the Northern most province of Argentina, Jujuy. We planned to head up there first because we wanted to be back in Salta for the weekend to see the Argentina World Cup match and the big bicentenerio festival. We packed up […]
Day 1: Buenos Aires to Salta, Argentina

The juice was worth the squeeze. That’s really all I can say to justify the 18+ hour micro (bus) ride from Buenos Aires to Salta. Despite the terrible food and awkward choice of man-eating-crocodile flicks, the bus ride itself might have been the most efficient and organized service I’ve experienced here in Argentina. Unlike an airplane […]
Top 10 Must-see Sites in Marrakech

Marrakech is a dazzling, chaotic city, set at the foot of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. A holiday to Marrakech is like nothing you’ll have ever experienced before – as you step into its winding streets full of market stalls, musicians, street performers and donkeys. Just being here and absorbing the heady atmosphere is an […]
Your Historical Due Diligence – The Best of Historical Hawaii

Hawaii certainly makes sense for traveling beach goers, extreme athletes, hikers, families and scuba divers–but history buffs? You bet. From the earliest Polynesian inhabitants to earning statehood in 1959, this Pacific island chain celebrates a long and rich cultural tradition that spans centuries. Museums, memorials, and relics of the past dot the islands, and popping […]