
My story starts like many others, and could have easily ended the same way. Like many people, one day I realized that I was living a life I didn’t enjoy. While in college, I joined a few classmates who had started an online textbook marketplace to compete with the high prices of college bookstores. After … Continued

Day 4 & 5: Salta, San Lorenzo & Game 7

After another beautiful morning in Tilcara we headed to San Salvador de Jujuy to return the car and catch a bus back to Salta. As we were filling up the gas tank on our way back I noticed a few nicks in her armor (under the layers of dirt) from our previous days adventure to Iruya. … Continued

Day 2: Salinas Grandes, 7 Colors & Tilcara

After an amazing first day in Salta Rocio and I woke up early to go explore the Northern most province of Argentina, Jujuy. We planned to head up there first because we wanted to be back in Salta for the weekend to see the Argentina World Cup match and the big bicentenerio festival. We packed up … Continued


“Money isn’t everything, but not having it is.” It’s been almost 6-months since my last ‘money update’ so I figured I’d take some time today to organize my finances and explain how I have kept this dream alive for 9+ months with less than 5k in the original T2T bank account. If you missed the first Let’s Talk … Continued

Buenos Aires: A Week in Photos

I figure instead of telling you about my great week, I might as well show you. Here’s how it played out… MONDAY: Buenos Aires contemporary artist shmorgishborg @ ArteBA ’10 Monday afternoon I went down to La Rural in Plaza Italia to soak up some much needed culture. The coolest thing about Buenos Aires is that it’s … Continued

T2T Hall of Fame: Carlos Tevez

With the World Cup in full throttle and Argentina ready to crush Germany on Saturday, I figured there was no candidate more deserving of the T2T Hall of Fame honor than Argentine forward, Carlos Tevez. The guy has literally gone from Argentine poverty to English royalty without loosing his modesty, sincere smile or passion for the … Continued

Tour Recipe: Valparaiso & Vina Del Mar

A tour is like soup. It isn’t just one component that makes the soup taste good but a mixture of the right ingredients that separates vegetable water from a traditional Chilean conger eel chowder (Caldillo Congrio). It’s the same thing with tourist tours. It takes a mixture of things to create a deliciously memorable and … Continued

Argentina Celebrates 200 Years

Yesterday we returned from Mendoza and Chile to a chaotic and joyous celebration. This past week the city of Buenos Aires has been the center of ceremonies for Argentina’s Bicentennial anniversary. 2010 marks 200 years since Argentina revolted against the Spanish to gain their independence. BA has been buzzing lately with concerts, parades and ceremonies … Continued

Futbol Hooligans vs Barra Bravas

  As I tucked myself into bed last night with a good book and some warm milk, one of my favorite movies of all times came on the tele – Green Street Hooligans. I sat up to watch Elijah Wood transform into a Green Street Elite and it got me thinking about the football Hooligans here … Continued

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