Learning Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro

Learning Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro Brazil with Carioca Languages

Before I moved to Rio de Janeiro, I asked fellow travelers about the art of learning (Brazilian) Portuguese. To my surprise, they all pretty much responded the same way… “If you know Spanish, you’ll be fine.” I understood that Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and French (among others) are rooted in Latin and are often referred to […]

SPANISH, CHAPTER 5: Getting Organized

Learning Spanish in Medellin, Colombia

It feels good getting back into using my second tongue. I’m still far from fluent but I’m starting to grasp the vocab and dialect I need to have a decent conversation. One of my major goals for this trip in Colombia is to get my words organized and get a better understanding of the correct structure […]

Spanish, Chapter 4: Bueno, Entonces…

Study Spanish in Buenos Aires

First, I tried the private classes with Cecilia, which were great for getting me into the swing of things when I first arrived. However, I soon found out that I needed more structural help than conversational practice. So, I switched over to group Spanish classes at BASP. The 2-week intensive program helped me get a grasp on […]

SPANISH, CHAPTER 3: The Frustration

Learn Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina

As mentioned in the 6-month Status Update, my formal Spanish lessons have been put on hold as of late due to tight funds. I have been working on a proposal to trade Spanish classes for marketing services but to be honest, I just haven’t finished it yet. Even without classes, I’m still learning a ton […]


Buller Pub Crew Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I haven’t done a STATUS UPDATE in awhile so I feel like I should take a minute to get myself organized and briefly fill everyone in on progress of the Tourist2townie.com mission. It seems crazy to be writing this 4 and a half months in. It honestly feels like i’ve been here for 2 weeks. […]

First Day of Group Spanish Classes in Buenos Aires

Studying Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Last monday I started group Spanish classes at the Buenos Aires Spanish Center (BASP) near Congreso. BASP is a 2-week intensive Spanish program and classes are from 9:30am to 1:30pm (with a short break in between). The first 2 hours are spent on Spanish grammar and vocab while the second half of class focuses on conversational Spanish practice […]

SPANISH, CHAPTER 2: The Pressure

Nati & I @ Buller Christmas Party in Recoleta

The honeymoon is over and it’s time to start bearing down. I’ve been able to penetrate some Argentine social circles and now its time to actually build relationships. I’m decent with salutations (Hellos, goodbyes, etc.) but where the conversation goes from there is anyones guess. I’m also okay with the “where are you from?” and “what […]

Status Update: 3 Weeks In

3 Week Update of Life in Buenos Aires, Argentina

STATUS UPDATE: Food: I run on eggs, pizza, big home-cooked carne lunches, empanadas, facturas (sweet croissants) and Malbec wine. I miss peanut butter and fresh turkey cold cuts. Physical Status: Slender, healthy, hairy. Mental Status: Overwhelmed, focused, driven. Spanish Speaking Ability: A sentence is a tough thing to make. Knowledge of Buenos Aires: 2 out of […]

SPANISH, CHAPTER 1: The Struggle

Studying Spanish in Buenos Aires

Today was my first spanish lesson with Cecilia, a very energetic and caring Argentine who will be tutoring me. I posted a craigslist ad and emailed teachers who also posted their services. Cecilia wasn’t the cheapest at about $12/hour, but seemed to be just the right fit for what I’m looking for. I chose individual tutoring to […]