Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve

Helado @ Puerto Madero - Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Yesterday, a friend and I ventured down to the Ecological Reserve here in Buenos Aires for some fresh air and a good workout. The Ecological Reserve (Reserva Ecologica) in Costanera Sur is a giant forest/marsh area along the Rio de la Plata just past Puerto Madero and not far from Plaza de Mayo (City Center). It’s the only Ecological Reserve in Buenos Aires and it’s a great escape from the traffic and chaos of the city without actually leaving.

The Reserve itself is very well laid out, there are maps everywhere and the paths are wide and well kept. The tricky part is actually getting there. The entrance to Costanera Sur wasn’t the easiest to find without a map. We jumped on the 152 bus (my favorite ride) and headed in through the semi-sketchy South Entrance via Ave. Brasil (near La Boca). There were some strategically placed signs along the way to guide us but we definitely had to pay attention.

There are multiple trails you can take around the Reserve ranging from 1 to 5 miles. If you’re not a big runner it’s a great place to take or rent a bike. However, the day I went the Reserve was closed to bikes. I guess they close it off to bikes after a storm.

If you’re not to keen on the sun, sweating or weird tans lines I wouldn’t recommend going in the middle of the afternoon like we did. I was sweating like a hooker in church. There isn’t much shade and you definitely don’t want to cool off in the Rio de la Plata. The shoreline of the Rio is just filled with garbage and rocks. There was however, a nice breeze off the water that helped me preserve the second of two t-shirts.

Now, I don’t know a whole lot about birds but there were a ton of different varieties. My grandparents would have loved it. I guess it’s one of the best places to see different species of birds in South America. For me, I was just happy to get a break from all those damn pigeons. We also spotted a huge lizard darting across the path that looked like a Kimono Dragon. He was being dive-bombed by a few pissed off birds, I imagine he stole some eggs or cheated in an intense game of some sort.

Helado @ Puerto Madero - Buenos Aires, ArgentinaCostanera Sur Ecological Reserve Information:

Admission is FREE

Visiting hours are: Winter (April-October): 8 am to 6pm. Summer (November –March): 8am to 7pm.

Daily guided tours through the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve:

General public: Saturdays, Sundays and holidays at 10:30am and 3:30pm.
School groups: Tuesday-Friday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Call beforehand at 8004445343 from 9am to 2pm.
Guided night tours through the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve (Walk underneath the moonlight): On the Friday closest to the full moon at 8pm. Make a reservation beforehand by calling (5411) 4893-1588/1597 or in person beginning at 8:30am until space runs out.

How can I get to the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve?

By car or bicycle: You can come across the city on any of the five main bridges, which are the continuation of Av. Brasil, EE.UU., Av. Belgrano, Tte. Gral. Peron and Av. Cordoba. Entrance with bicycles after storms is not allowed, as the paths are impassable, but you can leave them at the entrance.

Information provided by

Ecological Reserve (Reserva Ecologica), Puerto Madero

The Reserva Ecologica Costanera Sur

Checkout more of my travel photos from the Ecological Reserve in Puerto Madero

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