My Black Friday Travel Wish List

My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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Travel is a real son of a gun. Once you experience one destination, you’re immediately drawn to ten more.

I’m sitting here in Sololá, Guatemala in the midst of my latest travel adventure and I can’t keep my mind from wandering and wondering what’s next. Pinterest is partly to blame, as are my fellow adventurers, but the truth is, my unstoppable thirst to explore comes from that sweet taste of travel that I’ve been so fortunate to devour over the past few years.

I tell myself that I’m ready to settle down. I tell myself that I need to buy a house, television and a dog, but then I start thinking about the unknown… What about the places I’ve never experienced?

What does sushi taste like in Japan? What does a French kiss feel like in France? What does a concert sound like in Ibiza?

These are the things that I need to know!

This is the time of year when people start Christmas shopping and think about what they want to give and receive for the holidays.

The malls are packed and Wal-mart is a war zone. Meanwhile, all I want to do is buy plane tickets.

Here’s my Black Friday wish list of places around the world that have been calling my attention lately.

Now, I just need to get rich soon so I can experience all these magical places and do it with the ones I love!


Sexy and Sophisticated. I’ll be honest, while living in London a few years ago; France was never a place I wanted to visit. I blame British friends for giving the French a bad name, but after a few years of traveling, I’ve learned that the only way to know a culture is to experience it first-hand. I promised myself that I would save Paris and the south of France until I could experience it with someone I loved (and a fat bankroll). While gambling at the Monte Carlo in Monaco might be limited at this point, I think I’ve found someone who could do the sexiness of French culture justice. Il est temps de réserver un vol.


My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Tokyo, Japan
My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Tokyo, Japan (photo via

Sushi and Efficiency. After living in Latin America for three and a half years, I’m ready to travel to a place that prides itself on efficiency. On top of that, Sushi is one of my favorite cuisines on this planet and I’m told Japan knows a thing or two about doing it raw. I would focus my trip around ninjas, temples and zen masters with quick trips to Tokyo and Osaka to shake my world up. 一緒に行こうぜ

See also  Snorkels & Belly Flops in Playa Blanca


Beauty and the Beats. I’ll let this video do all the talking for me. This is real life, right? I’m craving an awesomely epic music adventure very soon. Vamos a Bailar!

Czech Republic 

My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Prague, Czech Republic
My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Prague, Czech Republic (photo via

Old World Culture and Architecture. Eastern Europe has been high on my priority list as of late, and at the center of that is the Czech capital of Prague. The thought of walking around the city and sharing beers along the riverside, gives me a worldly woody. I’ve been doing some research on holidays in Prague and I think Spring 2013 sounds perfect. Pojď se mnou!


My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Havana, Cuba
My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Havana, Cuba (photo via

Salsa and Socialism. You always want what you can’t have, and technically, us Americans can’t travel to Cuba at this point. I’m not going to get into why, but I don’t like that idea. I really want to get there before they open the doors to all Americans, so I can see what life has been like there for the past 50+ years. Also, when learning Salsa in Colombia I heard a lot about Cuban salsa and I would love to improve my skills while sucking back a few mojitos! Ven Conmigo! 


My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
My Black Friday Travel Wish List: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (photo via

Beaches and Balls. FIFA World Cup 2014 soccer balls that is. My primary goal while I’m back in the States this winter is to figure out how the hell I’m going to be able to get a job working at the World Cup in July 2014. I want Rio de Janiero in my life and this experience would be the culmination of Latin America. Viajar mais profundo!

What’s on Your List?

9 Responses

  1. I’m in France for my third time, and I’ve enjoyed it more with each visit. I haven’t even left yet, and I’m already thinking of going tourist 2 townie next year in one of the medieval towns in the south, like Avignon or Arles.

    Sushi in Japan = awesome

    Cuba and Brazil are also on my list, as well as Tanzania for the safaris, and Antarctica for the penguins and icebergs.
    Dave recently posted..This Weekend Only: Save 50% Off Travel Blog Success MembershipsMy Profile

    1. I’ve been following your adventures there Dave. You have definitely been inspiring me to make the trip (especially the Ferrari ride).

  2. Nice post Gareth! Love those places being mentioned. I added them to my list of places to travel. Thanks for the great share!

  3. Nice article… Ibiza is arguably one of the best cities in Spain… Ibiza Town has a lot to offer when it comes to general entertainment. Another thing to mention is the amazing nightlife the city has to offer… I would no doubt suggest Ibiza to anyone that wants to enjoy in a vibrant city!

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