Sandboarding in Huacachina, Peru

I passed through Ica, Peru for a few nights to check out the Huacachina oasis and to ride sandboards and buggys through the desert. Here is a short video of my sandboarding experience on the sand dunes of Huacachina, Peru.

If you notice, the snowboarding approach didn’t work very well because the sandboards were very sticky, the straps unstrapped easily and the sand was very hot.

When sandboarding in Huacachina, I would recommend renting a good snowboard (available for an extra fee) if you want to actually try to stand and “surf” down the dunes, and also, go early in the day or just before sunset when then sand is cooler.

If speed is your goal, laying down on the boards proved to be the best option. You’re given a piece of wax to wipe down the board before you launch yourself down the dunes, and as long as you don’t put your hands or feet down you can really get moving.

We hit about six dunes in all and our driver carted us from one to another at high speeds in the dune buggy.

Definitely add Sandboarding and dune buggy rides at the Huacachina Oasis outside Ica, Peru to your Travel Peru bucket list. It is much more exciting than the popular Nasca Lines and the Las Islas Ballestas (the Ballestas Islands) tour.

Check out more sandboarding photos here: Photoessay: Sandboarding the Huacachina Oasis


  1. That looks freaking awesome. I’ve always wanted to do something like this. I’ve been snowboarding but never done the sand thing. I have to admit that it looks a bit unpleasant, but it’s got to be worth doing just for the experience, right?

    Thanks for the vid!

    1. It’s definitely a great experience Tristan. I have been snowboarding as well and this is not a lot different. The only problem was the boards, not a lot of give with the Velcro straps and dry bottom. Took a little while to get the hang of it.

  2. glad you got to enjoy one of the beautiful places in my beautiful country Perú :). try visiting Cuzco, Machu Picchu. good luck in the real world! take care!

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