Three Years into an Incomplete Project - Travel Deeper
Table of Contents - Travel Deeper

On October 1st 2009, I boarded a one-way flight to Buenos Aires, Argentina. On October 2nd, 2009 I questioned what the hell I was doing with my life.

Three years later, I write this post from a small desk, in a closet-sized office, located on a side street in downtown Sololá, Guatemala.

It’s amazing where this life will take you. has been the catalyst that pushes me towards my dreams and provides me with a platform to develop and evaluate my life’s goals in front of you all.

The site itself has evolved more than I could have ever imagined, and the photos, videos and stories have improved as my message begins to gain purpose, perspective and substance.

The truth is however; my focus over this time has never been about developing a travel blog. It has been about developing a man, and the creation of a life filled with purpose, perspective and substance.

I’ve learned so much about myself and the world around me through the places I’ve been and people I’ve met along this journey. I can reflect with great joy on the memories I’ve had, but I know this is just the beginning.

This blog, just like my life, is a work in progress.

So as I sit here on this milestone, typing away as Guatemalan businessmen shuffle around me, I make a pledge to myself.  This is the same pledge I repeat to myself on a regular basis and will do so for the rest of my life:

Tomorrow should be better than today and the next endeavor more successful than the last.

This is just as true to life as it is to this blog… Here’s to constant improvement.

See also  Status Update: Year 27

With all that being said, let’s take a trip down memory lane with a few of my favorite posts:


My First Salsa Lesson in Medellin, Colombia – My mission for Colombia was simple: Trade in the gringo shuffle for some latin rhythm. Easier said than done.

The Trek to Machu Picchu – A three day journey that included mountain biking, zip-lining and some of the most amazing views I’ve ever seen.

Hello High Society! Polo Lessons in Buenos Aires, Argentina – Being introduced to one of my new favorite sports on this planet. It’s not easy, but man is it cool.

Help Me Support Literacy in Bolivia – The ambitious mission in Bolivia as I attempt to raise money to establish the first ever book fair in Sucre, Bolivia.

A Memorable Christmas in Cusco – A heart-felt christmas day shared with new friends at an orphanage in Cusco, Peru.

Changing Lives in Cochabamba – Getting a peek into the work of one great organization, changing lives in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Volunteering at a Monkey Rescue Center in Puyo, Ecuador – I spent a week hanging out with monkeys, what else can I say.

Portraits of a Bolivian Book Fair & The Feelings Involved – The culmination of all the hard work in Sucre, Bolivia. My proudest travel moment to date.


Mind over Splatter & The Elimination of Obstacles – Bungee Jumping in Baños, Ecuador took me overcoming a lot of old demons.

Long-Term Travel vs. Life-Time Relationships – I look into how this lifestyle affects my relationships and my ultimate goals in life.

Millionaire by 30 – How travel has changed my perspective on life goals.

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69 Lessons Learned from Latin Lovers – A candid look into the lessons I’ve learned from three years of romance south of the border.

HOW TO: Cook Peruvian Food Like a local – Local Peruvian friends teaching me about traditional cooking.

HOW TO: Survive a Futbol Match in Buenos Aires – Attending my first soccer match in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the steps involved.

The Art of the Kiss – Greeting like an Argentine is a vital part in the path to becoming a townie. I created this instructional video one day at work to demonstrate the do’s and dont’s of giving a good salutation here in Buenos Aires.

Un Dia en La Vida – Medellin, Colombia – My life in a day in Medellin.

The Village You’ll Never Visit – A Bolivian village that isn’t on the backpacker trail.

Vancouver Riots 2011 – Caught in the wrong place at the right time.

World Cup Action in Buenos Aires – Watching the biggest event in the world in a city that lives and breathes soccer.


8 Secret Weapons for Townie Penetration – My strategy for making contacts and building relationships in foreign places.

6 Ways I Deal with Loneliness as a Solo Traveler – The tricks and tactics I use to beat the solo traveler blues.

Shhh… Don’t Telo – A fun look into a cultural staple of Argentina.

Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador – Eating and exploring my way through one of Latin America’s largest markets.

The Great Adventure to Mars – A salty 4-day tour to Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia left me wondering what planet we were on.

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Photo Essay: A Colombian Finca – A local look into a small family farm in Cisneros, Colombia.

8 Ways to Fake it ‘til You Make It – Learning a second language can be difficult. Here’s how you can get by before you can fly.

8 Responses

    1. Thanks Ayngelina! I like that, living life in “beta” however, my most severe expectations and judgements come from within so they’re tough to escape.

  1. Nice one, Gareth. Hope you’re still finding everything you desire and need from travelling and exploring the world.

    It sounds (from other posts) that Europe might be a future travel option… a great place to continue learning about different aspects of yourself – such variation in people and temperaments within a relatively small geographical space. Enjoy.

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