FOTO FRIDAY: Vancouver Riots

Riots in Vancouver Canada after Stanley Cup Loss Canucks vs Boston Bruins
Riots in downtown Vancouver after the Canucks' Stanley Cup Loss to Boston

I stayed in Vancouver Wednesday night after the TBEX conference to experience game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals live. This was the 3rd time in Vancouver Canucks 41-year history that they’ve reached the Stanley Cup and I wanted to be a part of it.

After witnessing the incredible game 5 victory and epic after-party, I knew that if the Canucks could win game 7, it would be one of the greatest parties I’ve ever been apart of.

Turns out the Bruins absolutely man-handled the Canucks on their home ice and the city collapsed soon after.

Much more on the riots and chaos in Vancouver coming this weekend.


  1. Is this the same car that a group of girls was trying to protect and they ended up fighting with guys in the crowd trying to attack it? Saw a video of that and this looks the same… Either way, soooo crazy! Couldn’t believe while watching it all that I’d been walking the same streets just days earlier.

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