New Years in Buenos Aires

New Years Crew in Buenos Aires, Argentina
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New Years Crew in Buenos Aires, Argentina

For New Years Eve in Buenos Aires I definitely took a step back from “townie” status (-2), however I did score (+5) points on my “United Nations Activist” scorecard. To kick-off 2010 I went down to a house party across town hosted by an English friend, Emma. I partied the night away with allies from Germany, Australia, New Zealand, England and the States. There were a ton of fireworks being lit off on the streets (just like Christmas) and we had a great view from her rooftop terrace (+2).

New Years in Buenos Aires is family oriented (like most holidays here). From what I understand, people spend it with their families and a big dinner until about 2 or 3am. After, the younger crowd hits up the clubs or parties. A lot of Argentine’s also head south to the beaches of Mar Del Plata or over to Uruguay towards Punta del Este for the holidays.

We had some great laughs and as everyone was winding down around 3am I set out to find some more adventure so I took off to meet up with some other friends at Club Niceto, a Night Club in Palermo (on the other side of the city). I found adventure… but of a different sort. Barracas, the neighborhood where she lived isn’t the best of places to be at night so I made sure to stick to the main avenues. I felt pretty safe because there was a ton of families out lighting off fireworks and walking around. I jumped on a bus to head back into the city center but I forgot to bring my handy change purse with me and got kicked off after 2 stops (can’t use bills). Unfortunately, the stop was in the middle of nowhere and not on a major ave. Shit! I had no idea where I was. After about 20 minutes of getting my bearings, asking families directions and sobering up a random taxi came along and swooped me up. Not a great idea. -5 wise travel points.

See also  St. Patrick's Day w/ The BA Pub Crawl

On New Years Eve in Buenos Aires taxi’s are hard to come by so I definitely got lucky. However, because the demand is so high for cabs on that night, they can charge whatever they want. The taxi driver told me that I could either spend $150 pesos to get to the Club or $60 to get home. So, strapped for cash, at about 4:15am I made it back to my house, put on some techno beats and sprayed champagne all over the kitchen (+3).


Hello 2010!

Checkout all the photos from New Years Eve in Buenos Aires

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