Tango, Salsa, Milonga & Club 69

Club 69 @ Niceto Club in Palermo, Buenos Aires
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Tango Lessons in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The night started out classy, romantic and educational and it ended with a fantasy induced sex-fest of a party (yet, still highly educational).

Feeling pretty confident after our semi-successful polo debut we decided to give dance lessons a try last night. After very little research my roommate mentioned La Viruta for Tango, Milunga and Salsa classes. So, without much thought (beyond our fancy garb) we channeled our inner Patrick Swayze, grabbed a taxi and dove in feet first.

We were the most nervous about the women turn out. We didn’t want to show up and have to dance with each other (not like there’s anything wrong with that). I was also a little concerned about the third taco I ate right before arriving, and if it was such a good idea… but that’s a completely different story.

At first sight the place looked like a community center basement with a bar at one end and a small stage at the other. There were a ton of empty tables on either side with small cards that read “Reserved”. We had a few minutes to grab some liquid courage before the instructors herded everyone into three different sections based on Tango ability. Stuck in the “First Timer” section with Greco and I were about 8 guys and 4 girls (2 girls came with guys).

So, the first hour was spent learning the basic tango dance moves while Greco and I passed around a 65 year-old firecracker while her husband watched from the side line.

However, as the night heated up (literally, we were sweating a lot) women started coming out of the woodwork. At about 9:30 as we transitioned to Salsa, the place was getting packed with people of all ages.

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Salsa was my favorite, but also was the most difficult to catch. Tango seemed like it would be a lot of fun once you got the steps down and if you danced with someone you were really attracted to. It’s very sensual.

All in all picture the entire place like an art class. While everyone was painting beautiful artwork on the canvas floor, Nick and I were like the two (over-dressed) kids sitting in the corner eating all the paste. It was so much fun, I have a lot to learn and I will definitely be back soon.

We called it quits at about midnight and grabbed a quick bite in Plaza Serrano with some new friends before the fetish fiesta began. Every Thursday at Club Niceto they have Club 69 night which is a drag show and concert in one.

Once you get passed the flamboyant greeters at the entrance of Club 69 things get a lot less uncomfortable. The dance floor was filled with all sorts of people and the stage was occupied by break dancers, over-sized drag queens and scantily-clad women (I hope).  They all danced and dry-humped around an oversized table with champagne bottles and fake food. It looked like a scene from the Last Supper if Jesus was played by Boy George, Virgin Mary was Carmen Electra and his disciples were the Village People.

We checked out at about 5:30. I came home and crashed while my buddy Nick danced all morning!

Club 69 @ Niceto Club in Palermo, Buenos Aires

See all the Travel Photos from Tango Lessons in Buenos Aires

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