Futbol in Ecuador: A Buffet of Family-Friendly Madness

Friday afternoon I decided to push my boundaries a bit and take a solo mission over to the Ecuador vs Venezuela World Cup Qualifier match and try to grab a ticket. I’ve never been to a sporting event by myself, yet alone one in a foreign city, so I figured this would be a fun … Continued

5 Amazing Animal Encounters Around the Globe

If you were to ask me when I was 12 years old what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have given you one of two answers depending on our trust level. The polite, reasonable response would have been that I wanted to be a zookeeper and work with monkeys, bears and … Continued

Far from slothful – a sloth-full stay in Costa Rica

If you’re looking for an unusual way to start your path from tourist to townie while living in Costa Rica, you could help preserve Costa Rica’s amazing biodiversity by volunteering at a … sloth sanctuary. Located near Cahuita, a small town on the shores of the Caribbean, the “Aviarios del Caribe” has turned from a … Continued

The Most Beautiful American Road Trip

A few years back, while living in San Diego, I had the opportunity to soak up all the beautiful curves of Rt. 1 on a 2-day road trip to San Francisco. As I sit here now, recovering from my Road Trip hangover and planning my next adventure, I find myself reflecting on past experiences and … Continued

Moab 4-Wheeling Adventure in Photos

Like rafting and mountain biking in Moab, Utah, renting 4-wheelers requires a similar adrenaline-pumping face-off: man & machine vs. environment & ability. In this matchup the battlefield is beautiful and the obstacles are deadly. A day after the Yard Sale in the Colorado River my buddy Mike and I tested our 4-wheeling skills in the … Continued

Yard Sale in the Colorado River

Moab isn’t the type of playground where nannies surround the sandbox in case of emergencies. The chaperons here drop you off at the big slide, ask if you’ve been to other playgrounds before and tell you what time to return. You’re in charge of your own juice boxes, band-aids and getting up If you fall … Continued

A Visual Tour Around Arches National Park

I’ve never been to Mars but I’d imagine it looks a lot like the Arches National Park just outside Moab, Utah. It is known for preserving over 2000 natural sandstone arches, including the famous, Delicate Arch. I invite you to take a visual stroll around Arches National Park with photos from my most recent visit… The Arches National … Continued

Mountain Biking in Moab

The last leg of my West Coast tour will be spent ringing wedding bells (not mine) back in Park City at the end of July. If time allows it, I’m hoping to break away from all the love and head South to one of my favorite American playgrounds, Moab. I’ve been anxious to get back down … Continued

Traveling the Carretera Austral

The Great American Road Trip* is in full swing but as I start thinking about heading back to South America in the fall I’m beginning to plan out all the must-see stuff I want to see and do as part of my next mission. While I love the comfort of the United States and the … Continued

A Townie’s Park City

Within 15 minutes of my first ever mountain bike ride in Park City, Utah, I was hunched over a popped tire, gasping for air as I watched my local friends laugh as they flew by… and we weren’t even on the trail yet. To reach our desired path we had to jump a small street … Continued

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