Taxi Cab Confessions: Bogota, Colombia

On the morning of an international flight to a place I’ve only heard about from glorified gangster movies you would think that my nerves would be at an all time high. Well as anti-climatic as it may be, they weren’t. Even with JFK being packed with stranded travelers no anxiousness or doubt set in. Even … Continued

The Best Florida Vacation (on a budget)

As weather started to cool off in good ‘ol Rochester New York last week, I convinced myself that some “training” was in order in preparation for my next adventure. So with a little planning and 2 very low-key visits to the tanning booth (It didn’t help), I caught a flight to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on … Continued

FOTO FRIDAY: The Beautiful Iruya, Argentina

Rocio & I woke up in beautiful Tilcara at the Malka Hostel and walked down to the Municipal Market for breakfast. From there we hit the road on our wild ride to the secluded village of Iruya. We finished the day in Humahuaca at the Monumento al Indio. Check out all the photos of Iruya … Continued

Las Vegas

The city of spectacle, Las Vegas is a sight to behold. Billing itself as ‘The Entertainment Capital of the World’, Las Vegas certainly doesn’t disappoint. A hub of shopping, gambling and dining, the city is nestled in the Nevada Desert and is internationally renowned for its casinos – you’re sure to have a whole lot … Continued

Reflections from the Airport

Waiting for my connecting flight at the airport in Santiago, Chile, this is the first chance I’ve had to sit down alone and reflect on this amazing adventure. I think about how hard the last few weeks have been. I think about the life-long relationships I’ve made and the memories that I’ll take with me … Continued

Day 6 & 7: Cafayate & Cachi, Argentina

The tour bus: If you achieve a solid blend of fun passengers, enthusiastic tour-guide and interesting destinations, you can have yourself a pretty damn good time. Against townie regulations, Friday morning we decided to trade the rental car for the tour bus to go see Cafayate. I was pretty tired of driving everywhere and it worked … Continued

Day 4 & 5: Salta, San Lorenzo & Game 7

After another beautiful morning in Tilcara we headed to San Salvador de Jujuy to return the car and catch a bus back to Salta. As we were filling up the gas tank on our way back I noticed a few nicks in her armor (under the layers of dirt) from our previous days adventure to Iruya. … Continued

Day 3: Iruya, Humahuaca & Dog Fights

As Rocio got ready for Day 3’s adventure, I took a stroll across the Malka Hostel to a viewpoint next to the entrance that overlooked Tilcara. At first glance, Tilcara looks like a different world. Houses are made from the most basic of material, old cars on dirt roads, scavenging dogs and short-women carrying 5 … Continued

Day 2: Salinas Grandes, 7 Colors & Tilcara

After an amazing first day in Salta Rocio and I woke up early to go explore the Northern most province of Argentina, Jujuy. We planned to head up there first because we wanted to be back in Salta for the weekend to see the Argentina World Cup match and the big bicentenerio festival. We packed up … Continued

Day 1: Buenos Aires to Salta, Argentina

The juice was worth the squeeze. That’s really all I can say to justify the 18+ hour micro (bus) ride from Buenos Aires to Salta. Despite the terrible food and awkward choice of man-eating-crocodile flicks, the bus ride itself might have been the most efficient and organized service I’ve experienced here in Argentina. Unlike an airplane … Continued

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