A Weekend Warrior’s Guide to Buzios

In desperate need of an escape from all the dudes in Rio after the World Cup, a few friends and I headed east to the peninsula paradise they call Buzios. Just a three hour bus ride from Rio, it’s the perfect getaway for Cariocas seeking refuge from the hustle and bustle of the big city. Thanks to a well-publicized … Continued

Rio de Janeiro Favelas – Santa Marta

Last Sunday morning I decided it was time to go see Michael up in Santa Marta. I waved down the local public bus just outside my apartment and made the short, 10-minute ride over to the Botafogo neighborhood to experience another one of Rio de Janeiro’s many faces – life in the favelas. Santa Marta … Continued

World Cup Behind the Scenes [VIDEO]

Come behind the scenes with me as I take you through one of the most insane months of my life – The 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. I worked for an Australian tour company, attend five matches in five different Brazilian cities and watched the semi finals and finals matches back home in Rio de … Continued

Bonito Brazil – The Heartland of Brazilian Rodeo

Grab your saddles and cowboy hats ‘cause we’re going down south, waaaaay down south. 4,574 miles south of Dallas, Texas in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, lives a cowboy culture that could compete with the best of ‘em up north. Cowboys from all over southwestern Brazil compete in a traveling rodeo at … Continued

So You Call Yourself Bonito

For those of you who’ve ever taken a Spanish or Portuguese class, you already know that Bonito means “pretty” in both languages. What you may not know however is that it’s also the name of a small town in the southwestern state of Mato Grosso do Sul. When my travel plans allotted time for me … Continued

Brazil World Cup Update: Two Weeks Away

With just over two weeks remaining before the 2014 FIFA World Cup, I’ve been traveling like crazy to see as much of Brazil as possible before the chaos begins on June 12th. My goal is to return to my apartment in Rio de Janeiro to watch the games and hopefully still find a way to … Continued

The Pantanal – Life Along the River

After dark skies and heavy rain dominated day one, I woke up early on my second morning to clear skies and new life within the Pantanal. The sunshine invited everybody out from hiding, and I wanted to meet as many as possible. Before breakfast, I wandered down to a small gathering of houses along the river … Continued

How to Catch a Piranha

After a peaceful arrival into the Pantanal the night before, my first day in the Brazilian wetlands was exactly that, wet. It poured for the better part of the morning and our planned jeep safari and eco-hike turned into a drunken refugee camp. We circled around a shop table with a group of local farmers, … Continued

Into the Wild Pantanal

Four Brazilian fishermen and I piled into the back of a covered pick-up truck at the roadside rendezvous point to catch a lift into the Pantanal. They knew the area well and were happy to be returning to their familiar fishing spot, while my joy came from each and every unknown. Despite being one of … Continued

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