Bonito Brazil – The Heartland of Brazilian Rodeo

Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco
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Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco

Grab your saddles and cowboy hats ‘cause we’re going down south, waaaaay down south. 4,574 miles south of Dallas, Texas in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, lives a cowboy culture that could compete with the best of ‘em up north.

Cowboys from all over southwestern Brazil compete in a traveling rodeo at lasso clubs (Clubes de Laço) and I just so happened to be in town when they made their annual stop in Bonito.

Growing up in the countryside of Upstate New York, I’m no stranger to the farming and ranching lifestyle, so although the language and music was different, the vibe was very familiar.

I was surprised to see how similar their culture is to ours, from the hats and cowboy boots to square dancing and beer drinking, they’re just a bunch of good ‘ol boys like us.

I guess that’s why they say “o Laço une” (the lasso unites). Here’s a few pics…

Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco

Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco

Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco

The music was sertanejo (see the Brazilian music guide) and the beer was Skol, and people stayed to party and drink long after the (cow) wrangling was over!

Bonito Mato Grosso do Sul Brasil Clubes do Laco


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