T2T Cribs: My Apartment in Medellin

View from My Apartment in Medellin, Colombia
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Here’s a quick tour of my apartment in the Envigado neighborhood of Medellin, Colombia. I live with a Colombian woman named Elsie, her two boys David (20) and Camillo (20) and as of last week, a Canadian girl named Rachel (who’s doing the filming).

As you notice in the video, I can’t stop laughing because in true Latin fashion, Elsie and her friend are directing me from behind the camera on what I should and shouldn’t film. When I told her I was going to shoot this video she got so flustered she ran into the kitchen and began moping the entire house.

So please, after you watch the video make sure to leave a comment about how clean the house looks (in Spanish) to put Elsie at peace.

Missed the last one? Check out T2T Cribs: My Apartment in Buenos Aires

See also  Reflections from the Airport

15 Responses

  1. Looks good man, nice to see a video, site is looking great! Magic part cracked me up, but I was missing the Cribs slow mo, the milk shot in the other one gets me every time. See you soon. Keep livin the dream!

  2. Funny video man, yeah the magic part was the best! I lived the last 2 months in Envigado and loved the area. Found a place that i could buy fresh bacon for $12,000 COP for 1k and the best butcher shop ever at another place. I could get a 6in long steak, 1in think for $1 USD or 7 sausages for $1 USD. Dude i BBQ every other day (just ask Dave from GoBackpacking! lol).

    How much are you paying for rent there? My room cost me $700,000 but didn’t included any food. I’ll back there in Aug, you still be around then?

    1. You gotta show me where these places are when I get back T-Roy. I’m traveling around the States now on some business, but I’m going to try to get back at the latest for the flower festival in August.

  3. Cool place – it certainly does look clean! I’m most curious about the painting of the old man with the tuba behind the couch. Medellin sounds like a cool city – we’re going to be there for a few days towards the end of June.

  4. Awesome Andrea, you’ll love it here in Medellin. Yeah, I have no idea about that old man, he’s cool but he freaks me out sometimes when I come home late at night.

  5. Is this woman’s name Elsie Appleby???? Or used to be? I’m searching for a woman about 50 plus living in Medellin, who i used to work with in England. Please let me know, thanksx

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