Halloween in Buenos Aires

The Girls on Halloween in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Halloween isn’t celebrated as a national holiday in Argentina. You won’t see kids trick-or-treating in the suburbs of Buenos Aires and you won’t see stores decorated with cobwebs or skeletons like you would in the states.

Luckily for us, bars and clubs in Buenos Aires still celebrate the holiday. So, a gang of Colombians, Argentines and Yankees partied at our apartment. Followed by a great costume party at this amazing club (Milion) in Recoleta.

As usual my Halloween costume was last minute. I didn’t want to spend any money and I wanted to do something with a Latin flair in honor of my surroundings. I really wanted to be Juan Valdez but I couldn’t get a donkey in time. So, at the last minute I settled on the swashbuckling, latin lover… Zorro!

Halloween in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Checkout more travel photos from our wild Halloween in Buenos Aires


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