La Noche de los Museos

La Noche de los Museos in Buenos Aires, Argentina
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La Noche de los Museos in Buenos Aires, Argentina

On Saturday night, I ventured out to the Noche de Los Museos “Night of the Museums”, which is basically a city-wide free cultural festival that’s held once a year in Buenos Aires. At first, I was disappointed to find out that Ben Stiller would not be in attendance, but once that passed it turned out to be a great way to see the city in another light.

The majority of museums, government sites and popular landmarks hold their own activities throughout the night. From about 7pm until 2am the city is buzzing with thousands of people (including young kids) hopping around different events like modern art exhibits and live music performances. Also, with our “Noche de los Museos” official program [handed out at all the museums], we could ride city buses for free until 2am, Jackpot!

Some friends and I decided Puerto Madero and “La Munich” was the place to be. The museum is right on the water, they had a line-up of DJs running all night and there was street meat galore… this proved to be a wise choice. Also, they didn’t have much of a line to get in (I later realized why) like a lot of other spots that night.

After a brief lap around the museum I was amazed at how bad the artwork was. I consider myself very open to interpretation and artistic individuality but my god… it looked like a 10 year-old on mushrooms gave up half way through each painting. And, the photos displayed were all out of focus and of car parts and random dull objects. Maybe I was just disappointed after being amazed at the work in the MNBA and MALBA last week.

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Despite the lack of interest in the art, we managed to have a great time dancing in the street outside as the DJ blasted electronica and house from the top floor of the museum. The night ended with an unsuccessful trip to Liquid nightclub (line around the corner) and some much needed choripan.

I didn’t realize that the same type of event happens in over 130 other cities around the world every year! So, check out the one in your city!

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