The VIP Section at Machu Picchu

Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
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Resting high above any good night club, looking down at the shleps who fight for a spot at the bar is the VIP section. A place where the rich and beautiful pop bottles and celebrate life.

Back in the day, when Machu Picchu was the most exclusive nightclub in all of the Inca Empire, I imagine Huayna Picchu would have made for the perfect VIP section.

Looking down from 1,190 feet above, Huayna Picchu (or Waynapicchu or Wayna Picchu) casts a gigantic shadow over the “lost city of the Incas.” I could only imagine what Inca kings and their constituants did up there during their reign, especially considering it was the residence for the high priest and the local virgins.

Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
Maybe the toughest VIP entrance ever? Climb this.

In this day and age Huayna Picchu still holds the same selective reputation, only allowing 400 people to enter per day. Luckily for me, I knew a guy (my tour guide) who got me on the list.

After the 3-day trek to Machu Picchu and early morning climb up from Aguas Calientes, I was pretty beat, but wouldn’t let that stop me from experiencing everything the historic site/mega club had to offer.

The sign to Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
The discreet VIP sign to Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu)

The hike up was steep, slippery and exposed, with a few guide rails and steel cables along the way. It took about 35 minutes to reach the party at the top, so I decided to stay for awhile. I made my way to a nice big rock along the side of the cliff overlooking the Picch and enjoyed a nice pre-packed breakfast as the fog danced around below me.

Here are some photos from inside the Huayna Picchu VIP section (don’t share these).

See also  FOTO FRIDAY: The Colombian Countryside
Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
This was the easy section of the climb up Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain
Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
Crawling through a cave to reach the top.
Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
Not your typical VIP crowd at the peak of Huayna Picchu.
Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
A temple (or Inca coat check) balanced on the cliffs of Huayna Picchu
Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain at Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu in all of her glory from the peak of Huayna Picchu.
The view of Machu Picchu from Huayna Picchu (waynapicchu) mountain
A closer view.


The Trek to Machu Picchu

My Machu Picchu Experience

7 Responses

  1. This is a wonderful side of Machu Picchu that many of us don’t know about. It is one of the most beautiful VIP sections that I’ve ever seen.
    I loved the photographs. I’m so tempted to visit the VIP section real soon.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Mark Walker recently to seduce a womanMy Profile

    1. Thanks Mark, I definitely felt privileged to be there. However, they don’t offer bottle service at the top which was a little disappointing.

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