Four Years From Now
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Four Years From Now
The best is yet to come.

Anniversaries are usually a great time for reflecting on where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished. An appreciation of the past allows us to savor life’s great moments as we move forward.

On October 1, 2009, I moved to Argentina with no clue what I was getting myself into. Since that lonely first week in Buenos Aires, I’ve developed a local understanding and long-lasting relationships across six unique countries in Latin America (not including short-term travel).

With all that being said, please excuse me if I’m not feeling overly nostalgic lately.

I could sit here and tell you all the things I’ve done, but I’m not interested in that right now. My focus is fixated directly on what lies ahead.

The last four years of travel have taken me more places (both physically and mentally) than I ever thought possible, and it’s those same memories that push me to do more.

After defeating a few internal battles with An Explorer’s Dilemma and becoming a Millionaire by 30, I’m happy to announce that is gearing up for its next big travel adventure!

My baggage will include the same uncertainty and doubt that I brought with me on that maiden voyage, as I set out to tackle a new language, culture and mission.

Four years from now, I want to look at the man in the mirror with great pride and accomplishment, but I know in order for me to do that, I must seek constant improvement.

This quest stretches across my entire life, but the facets that I want to focus on in regards to this site are, improving video production, writing, photography, authenticity, business, language learning, and relationship development.

See also  FOTO FRIDAY: My Office in Medellin

It’s all about living outside your comfort zone and pushing yourself each day to get better at the things that are important to you.

That’s why this next adventure will prove to be my most difficult and intimidating T2T task yet.

I know I say that every time, but… if I didn’t believe that, than what would be the point of continuing?

I will be announcing the next T2T adventure destination on Monday morning so stay tuned!

Check out what I was thinking last year around this time -> Three Year Mark

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