– 2 Years Deep

This past Saturday marked the 2 year anniversary of and my quest to travel deeper.

On October 1st, 2009 I left everything comfortable in my life in search of something more.

My dream was to become part of a foreign community, learn new skills, meet new people and experience new adventures.

Now, as I sit here writing this on the eve of my next mission, I think about that dream and how much this experiment has developed.

The memories I’ve accumulated over the past 2 years are what fuel me to move forward, do more and constantly improve.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

The video above is a quick summary of the first chapter of my Tourist 2 Townie Experience – work and travel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

See you in Ecuador on Wednesday.

Me in San Diego before leaving for Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 years ago
Me in San Diego before leaving for Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 years ago


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