Anthony Bourdain in Argentina


Anthony Bourdain en Argentina from Mauro Duarte on Vimeo.

The last few days I’ve been searching around the internet for the full episode of the Travel Channel show No Reservations where Anthony Bourdain visits Argentina. I’m a big fan of the show and I wanted to see where I stacked up against Anthony Bourdain after being in Buenos Aires for almost 2 months. I figure if he’s going to hand over the show to me some day I should try to experience some of the same stuff. I’ve eatin Choripan in the same place as Bourdain near Puerto Madero and I’ve had my own music experiences. However, I still need to get to Mendoza and Patagonia to paraglide and see the glacier. In due time. Although, there is one thing I got Anthony Bourdain on. While Bourdain is doing everything in Argentina with a translator, I don’t have that same luxury. You can’t feel the awkward tensions of language barriers by watching the show which are present in everyday life for me. Take that Bourdain.

SIDE NOTE: How does Samantha Brown have her own show? I really don’t get it. I guess it’s about demographics and diversifying and yada yada yada. And how does Bridget from The Girl’s Next Door fame have her own? The Travel Channel couldn’t find a hotter playmate who doesn’t sound like she just sucked helium for the last half hour? Carmen Electra wasn’t available? God I miss Singled Out.

Anthony Bourdain in Argentina

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