Beach Park Adventures in Fortaleza

Insano Beach Park Fortaleza Brazil
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Beach Park is Brazil’s largest water park and you’d be a fool to think I’d come this far and not go visit.

I consider myself a water park aficionado, and when I found out that Beach Park was just a short drive away from downtown Fortaleza, I was all in!

With that scheduled for day two in Fortaleza, I spent my first day in town exploring the city.

It was hot, very hot, which definitely limited my movement and enthusiasm until the sun went down. However, I really enjoyed Fortaleza, there’s a raw beauty to the old colonial buildings pressed against a beautiful waterfront.

I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a live Forró concert that first night and really enjoyed the music and people watching.

The second day I headed to Beach Park to stay and explore the water park.

Not only is it Brazil’s largest water park, but it is also home to the second tallest body water slide in the world! Just recently knocked off of the number one spot, Insano, the 135-foot, 14-story drop is… Insane!

The greatest thing about a slide like this is that it scares so many people, there’s no line! Actually, when I arrived to the top of Insano the first time, two grown men waved me forward because they were still trying to overcome their fears.

As you can see from the video, this wasn’t the first time Beach Park tested the will of men!

If your travels ever take you to Northeastern Brazil, which they should, I highly recommend you come spend a day here at the park.

Insano Beach Park Fortaleza Brazil

Read all about my Beach Park experience on the Visit Brasil Blog.

See also  Happy at Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Watch the Beach Park Fortaleza – Travel Deeper Brazil episode here

4 Responses

  1. Hi, Andre. I’ve seen your videos and everything you’ve been doing lately here in Brazil. Your videos are amazing and I’m looking forward for the next adventure. Maybe, it could be in a smaller estate of BR, such as Espirito Santo, where I live.
    It would be nice to have you here to spread our culture and natural beauties. Have a happy Christmas and New Year’s Eve. 🙂

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