Mt Everest Base Camp Vlog – Part III

Easter Sunday was spent as an acclimatization day, letting our bodies adjust to the higher elevation. We spent most of the day relaxing and playing cards at the Rivendell Lodge in Deboche, before a short acclimatization trek in the afternoon.

We visited the Tengboche Gompa, an important Buddhist monastery in the Khumbu region, and we were able to sit in on a Buddhist puja ceremony as the local monks chant their scriptures (couldn’t film inside). It was a beautiful and magical scene.

We began day six by passing through a dense forest of dwarf conifers. Our trail then dropped steeply through the forest until we crossed over the surging waters of the Dudh Kosi River before beginning our ascent to Dingboche.

It was on this day that we left the forest for the last time until we returned from Everest Base Camp.

The final stretch of the day’s trek took us alongside the fast flowing Imja Khola River which drains directly from the snows of Lhotse, before we spent the night in Dingboche.

Visit Active Adventures for more Everest Trek information.

Watch the Featured Everest Base Camp Trek video if you haven’t already.


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