The Otavalo Market in Otavalo, Ecuador is South America’s largest market and on Saturdays the whole town comes out for an orgy of awesomeness.
You can buy anything from snails and mystery meat to fake shrunken heads and dream catchers. For those of you who know about my addiction to markets you can understand what a great day this was for me in Otavalo.
Checkout the video above and photos below to get a feel for the Otavalo Market experience.

If you’re ever in Ecuador, take the 2 hour bus ride from Quito to Otavalo on a Saturday morning and experience true Ecuadorian culture at the Otavalo Market.
Some people even stay in Otavalo for a few nights to explore the tranquil Ecuadorian pueblo beyond the Saturday market.
17 Responses
You’ve really stepped up your game in the video world. well done. Enjoyed every second of it. Morales has probably watched it 50 times today alone. Be well, hombre.
Thanks buddy. I don’t think he’s allowed to watch videos at work so that cuts my traffic in half for the day. Lol
Hello from a San Diego Native, love your story and your blog. If you’re in Quito please stop by the chocolate shop. My company is and I’ve been living in Quito the last 4 years running a chocolate business, now moving into chocolate tourism!
Aw I just missed you Jeff. Your place looks incredible. If I come back to Quito I’ll definitely stop by. All the best.
awesome man – I agree with shaggleroc – your stepping your game up!!
Thanks dude! I couldn’t do it without the constant advice and inspiration from
I lived in Quito for a month and never made it to Otavalo. I’ve heard such great things about this market.
Stephanie – The Travel Chica recently posted..Buenos Aires Odd Jobs: The Dog Walker
I could spend a whole day in this market – it looks incredible! Eating some of that whole roasted pork would probably be the highlight of my day. I agree with the other commentors; while I have also enjoyed watching your past videos, its looking like you are truly stepping up your game.
Sherry recently posted..“The Hoh”
Loved the hat segment in the viideo lol. You are too funny, the facial expressions went so well with each hat haha. The market looks unreal!
so jelly you’re in a Ecuadorian market right now and all i got is an ipa! looks amazing. keep up the great posts!!
ummm i dont think I would like that “pork chip” hahaha I mean i know I like turkey skin but pig skin just seems wrong…. love the hat show though. I would definitely like to visit there 🙂
Cailin recently posted..Favorite Film Friday 025
very nice mi hijo !! Great video. Reminds me of a Dollar Store but with great food!
Wow, so many interesting things to see and buy. I could spend a whole day there. The place looks so busy. Great shots of the market. I love the color and the brightness.
Daniel recently to meet women
One thing I absolutely miss about SA are the colourful markets – I’d love to visit this one someday soon.
Awesome pics mate! Incredibly inspiring 🙂
Natasha von Geldern recently posted..Destination Australia: Rottnest Island
Thanks mate,, for sharing your experience !!
Wonderful pictures of the Otavalo market. It looks like a great way to experience daily life in Ecuador. Thanks for sharing!