FOTO FRIDAY: La Basilica de Quito

La Basilica de Quito - Quito Skyline in Quito, Ecuador
Quito Skyline from La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador

La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador is the largest church tower in South America. The actual name is The Basilica of the National Vow (Basílica del Voto Nacional) is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador. It is sometimes also called the Catedral Consagración de Jesús or the Basílica de San Juan. It is the largest neo-Gothic basilica in the Americas.

It costs $2 to enter and climb to the top for incredible views of Quito and all the beautiful surrounding mountains.  

Inside La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
Inside La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
A single candle in La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
This little light of mine, I'm gunna let it shine!
The Restaurant in La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
The Restaurant in La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
Beautiful Window in La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
Beautiful Window in La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
New Friend at La Basilica de Quito in Quito, Ecuador
This Colombian beauty stopped me for a photo (and number) while I was enjoying the church. How dare her.



    1. I got side tracked and never called. I dropped the ball on this one but hopefully there will be 1 or 2 more in the future.

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