How to Extend Your Tourist Visa in Rio

How to Extend Your Tourist Visa in Rio de Janeiro Brazil
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How to Extend Your Tourist Visa in Rio de Janeiro Brazil
How to Extend Your Tourist Visa in Rio de Janeiro Brazil… wait patiently.

This post isn’t for everyone but for those who are in need of renewing (or extending) their tourist visa here in Rio de Janeiro, I hope this helps.

It has been almost 90 days since I arrived in Rio and that means it was time to take a trip to the international airport to extend my tourist visa with the Federal Police to keep my status here in Brazil legit.

I want to share some tips on how to make the experience as painless as possible.

The logistics of travel is a necessary evil, but it definitely gets easier (to deal with) the more you do it.

Visas and visa renewals/extensions are a major part of traveling and each country has their own little quirks and inefficiencies, but if you practice patience, persistence and a solid amount of stoicism, you’ll make it out alive.

There are many posts and forums out there that explain how to renew your tourist visa in Brazil but many of them are out or date or hard to digest.

Some of the tips below may also help with other Latin America visa requirements as well because many operate under similar cultural inefficacies.

Arrival Time

Pay attention to the hours of operation and the small print of hours of operation. Be aware that, like most Latin American countries, everything slows down (if not completely closes) during lunch (12-2pm) in Brazil.

Get to the airport as early as possible. The Federal Police opens at 8am and there is already a line at that time. I arrived at 9am without everything complete and that’s what took me all day.

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If you arrive at 7am with all the requirements I list below, you should be done by 10am at the latest (hopefully).

Here Are the 6 Things You Absolutely Need to Renew Your Visa in Brazil:

1. Passport – This is an easy one; don’t forget the most important part of this process.

2. Entry Card – Card you received at customs/immigration when you arrived. They actually didn’t ask me for this but many say it is required.

3. Return Flight Information [print] – You must show that you will be leaving the country within the allotted time of your tourist visa.

My flight is scheduled for August (over the 180 day limit), which was overlooked when I first got my Visa in New York, but this time they caught me. To amend the situation, I went down to an Internet café on the first floor of the airport and “purchased” the cheapest bus ticket possible out of the country (from and to two border cities) for July (88 days into my tourist visa). I then returned with the receipt of that purchase. This works for many locations around the world.

4. Proof of Income [print] – You have to print out an income statement from a credit or debit card and show them you have money to cover your stay. Many articles I read said that you have to prove you have a valid credit card so I thought that meant I just had to bring a credit card. Nope. Print it out.

5. Complete Extended Stay Application [print] – You need to fill in a form called Requerimento de prorrogação de estada. This form asks only for parents names, contact information, date of birth, nationality etc. On this form the data “Cartão de entrada/saida (sequential)” is the number on the “Arrival/Departure Card”

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DON’T sign it until you get to the Federal Police office.

6. Visa Tax Form and Payment [print] – The Guia de Recolhimento da União, form has drop-down boxes to choose the appropriate Federal Police office, the service required, full name of parents and address. Here are the steps:

  • Dropdown Select Tax Office (Unidade Arrecadadora):
    • Curitiba: PR (018-3): Superintendência Regional no Estado do Paraná
    • Florianópolis: SC (026-4): Superintendência Regional no Estado de Santa Catarina
    • Rio de Janeiro: RJ (021-3): Superintendência Regional no Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Enter Code(Código da Receita) STN type 140090. It refers to visa extension “Pedido de Prorrogacao de Prazo de Estada”
  • Bank – Once complete, you will receive a printable receipt. Take that to any bank and make payment of R$67. Take the receipt and payment receipt with you to the Federal Police office. There are banks at the airport but they don’t open until 10am.

Federal Police office locations:

  • Curitiba: R. Profa. Sandália Manzon, 210 – Santa Cândida
  • Florianópolis: Rua Paschoal Apóstolo Pítsica, 4744 – Agronômica
  • Rio de Janeiro: GIG International airport i- foreigners services at the Policia Federal.

Thank you to for most of this information. The rest I learned and organized after the tourist visa renewal.

*This information is for U.S. Citizens only, please check with your countries embassy for any additional information need to extend your tourist visa. 

**Budget Tip – Make sure you take the blue 2018 bus for $13.50 instead of paying a ridiculous amount for a taxi to and from the airport.

15 Responses

    1. As long as you have a departure printout and credit card statement, they don’t ask many questions. They just want to know that you have enough money to stay and that you will be leaving at some point. They might ask what your plans our for the next 90 days but that’s unlikely.

      1. Policia federal has 3 or 4 offices in rio, and I heard you can expend visa in policía federal iffices, I’m wondering if I can expend in Leblon office for example, or it’s necessary to make trip to airport. Perhaps you know, cheers

  1. This information was super helpful – I got all my docs in order, arrived at the Federal Police at 10 am on a Monday morning, and was out of there in 15 min. Thanks for the detailed info, since I couldn’t really find it anywhere else!

    Only thing I would suggest is to maybe bring a printout of your bank statement in addition to your CC statement – they accepted my CC info but asked for a bank statement.

  2. Thanks this helps me a lot. One problem – What happens if I lost the arrival/departure card and do not know the number to put on the “Requerimento de Prorrogacao de Prazo” form (box #10)? Does this matter?

  3. Hi! Thanks for the helpful info. If I leave Brazil at the end of my 90 days and then return 30 days later, can I just get a new tourist visa at the airport when I return (for 90 more days (or 60 more days, counting from when my previous 90 expired))- or is it required that I renew with Federal Police before I depart Brazil? Thanks for any insight, this is hard to find answer to online!

  4. Great info, thank you so much!
    I stayed in Brazil for 88 days up until a few weeks ago and am planning to go back for around 30 days next week. I am a bit scared of how they will treat me at immigration when they see that I am technically only allowed to stay for 2 days but my flight back home is after 30 days. Do you think that will be an issue?
    Would be great to have some opinion or advice on this!

  5. I want to get an extension for my wife. She obviously doesn’t have a bank account here . What are the options in her case?

  6. Anyone know for sure if you go to Santos Dumont or GiG International Airport.. For Federal Police immigration… For extending the tourist visa?

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