Buenos Aires: A Week in Photos

ArteBA in Buenos Aires, Argentina

I figure instead of telling you about my great week, I might as well show you. Here’s how it played out… MONDAY: Buenos Aires contemporary artist shmorgishborg @ ArteBA ’10 Monday afternoon I went down to La Rural in Plaza Italia to soak up some much needed culture. The coolest thing about Buenos Aires is that it’s […]

Status Update: 9 Months in BA

Las Salinas Grandes for the 9 Month Update

Yesterday marked the 9-month point along this incredible adventure. As I reflect back on the whole experience all I can think about is… shit, time has gone by fast. I could of had a kid in that time. However, at my mother’s request I’m still baby-free, loving life and trying to maximize the time I have […]

Buenos Aires: A Random Week in the Life

Bar & Drinks Night in Buenos Aires

Lots of random events to talk about this week so I figure I’ll just throw ’em into one post. Monday I was invited by my friend and fellow bartender from Buller Pub, Mika, to the 10th Anniversary Party of Bar & Drinks Magazine at the Buenos Aires Golf Club in Palermo. As you see from the […]

SPANISH, CHAPTER 3: The Frustration

Learn Spanish in Buenos Aires, Argentina

As mentioned in the 6-month Status Update, my formal Spanish lessons have been put on hold as of late due to tight funds. I have been working on a proposal to trade Spanish classes for marketing services but to be honest, I just haven’t finished it yet. Even without classes, I’m still learning a ton […]


T2T Fans from South Africa at Buller Pub in Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

April 1st marks 6-months that I have been in Buenos Aires. That’s crazy! T2T has reached the half way mark, well, for this mission anyway ; ). Actually it’s even more than the half-way mark because I have to get back to New York for a few weddings in late August/September. So, really, I only […]

The Art of the Kiss

The Art of the Kiss Greetings in Buenos Aires

Greeting like an Argentine is a vital part in the path to becoming a townie. I decided to create this instructional video one day at work to demonstrate the do’s and dont’s of giving a good salutation here in Buenos Aires. I also explain some of the mistakes I have made and some things you […]


Buller Pub Crew Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I haven’t done a STATUS UPDATE in awhile so I feel like I should take a minute to get myself organized and briefly fill everyone in on progress of the Tourist2townie.com mission. It seems crazy to be writing this 4 and a half months in. It honestly feels like i’ve been here for 2 weeks. […]

Futbol Follies: A Blast from the Past

Ready for Futbol in Argentina

The guys from Buller organized a football match last Wednesday after work. Although it was 3am and I was dead tired from class and work I couldn’t turn down the invitation. This was the second time I’ve played soccer since I’ve been down here and my skills haven’t improved a bit. I consider myself a […]

A WTF Moment

WTF Moment in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Have you ever had one of those times where all of a sudden you snap out of being in the moment and look at a situation and say “What the F** am I doing here?” Like your doing something really stupid or just in a really awkward situation. Well for me, it used to happen a lot, […]

Passion Permeates Life in Buenos Aires

Passion at Buller Pub in Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Before we start I have to say that I’ve kissed a lot of men since i’ve been down here and I’m okay with it. There, I just had to get that off my chest… Yesterday was Natalia’s last day at work. She’s been bartending at Buller for 2-years and was certainly a centerpiece to the Buller […]