A Grrrrreat Afternoon in Tigre!

The Market in Tigre, Argentina outside Buenos Aires
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The Market in Tigre, Argentina outside Buenos Aires

Last week a friend and I took a  ride up to Tigre for the afternoon to get out of the city. Tigre is just north of Buenos Aires and it’s a wonderful little town nestled on the Paraná Delta. We went during the week so it wasn’t crowded at all and was very quiet and peaceful. Tigre is a great escape from the Capital Federal (downtown Buenos Aires) and is only about an hour train ride from Belgrano (Starts at Retiro) and costs you less than $2 pesos to get out there.

The three major attractions in Tigre are…

  1. Puerto de Frutos – Which is like a monstrous Pier1 Imports store and a huge food market in one.
  2. Parque de la Costa – A good size theme park even for U.S. Standards.
  3. Trilenium Casino – I didn’t dare step foot inside because I knew that damn Craps table would call my name. For me, Craps is like a beautiful women. You can’t help but to be mesmerized by it and but at the same time you never really understand everything either.

We walked around the Puerto de Frutos for a few hours and then took a relaxing 1-hour catamaran ride along the river. Afterwords I sat along the water and had a sandwich and some Clerico (like sangria but with white wine and fruit… amazing summertime treat).

We took the train back home as the sun was setting. That night we completely changed pace and rocked out until the sun was rising at KIKA CLUB in Palermo. Tranquil day and ridiculous nights… that’s what I like. More on that later.

See also  Taxi Cab Confessions: Bogota, Colombia

Checkout all the travel photos from Tigre

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