Aimless Adventures at Tikal Ruins

A Tour of the Mayan Ruins of Tikal
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Ancient ruins are cool, but the tours associated can also be slow and boring at times.

I have a tough time sitting still when I’m put in a “tourist” type situation, so I seperated myself from the group and went off to explore the Tikal Ruins my way.

Here are the highlights of our tour of the Mayan Ruins of Tikal in Guatemala for those with a short attention span, just like me.

A huge thank you goes out to my buddy Nate (the guy with the beautiful man garden on his face), who helped film this odd little gem.

P.S. Even with all the joking, I don’t want to discount how mind blowing the Tikal Ruins are. I wish I could go back and see them in action.

Want more from Tikal? Watch a Mayan expert explain the end of the world predictions.


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3 Responses

  1. I’m with you — I like to get away from those tours!! When we went to the Mayan ruins at Palenque in Mexico, the groups of tourists standing in one spot forever listening to their guide drone on seemed to be bored out of their minds!!

    We explored those ruins on our own — what fun! — and we found some really big excitement when we decided to go hiking in the jungle just beyond the park limits…

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