FOTO FRIDAY: Penetrating Waterfalls with Spaniards

Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
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The Waterfalls of Banos, Ecuador
Sorry TLC but this looks to tempting to stay away.

I know what you said TLC, “Don’t go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.” Well guess what TLC, I bet you girls have never been to Baños, Ecuador because if you have you would know that there are just way too many waterfalls to pass up.

Luckily for me, I ran into a great group of Spaniards while mountain biking around the waterfalls on the outskirts of Baños who showed me an amazing spot where we could swim under a giant double-decker waterfall.

I had been admiring the top waterfall from a distance when the large group walked passed. One of the girls doubled back and asked in her quick Spaniard Spanish.. estas viajando solo? (are you traveling alone?)

I hesitated for a second, assested the girl-to-guy ratio and responded… “si?” 

She ordered back “Ven con nosotros, vamos a nadar!” (come with us, let’s go swimming)

Me: “Jaja, dale!” (haha, okay)

Absolutely beautiful.

Enjoy some friday waterfall eye candy via the beautiful Baños, Ecuador.

Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Bridge to the top waterfall in Banos, Ecuador
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Enjoying the peacefulness of the waterfalls in Banos, Ecuador
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
About to violate the tranquility
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Testing the water – Que Rico!
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Just a couple Spaniards, a dog and a Gringo enjoying a waterfall bath in Ecuador
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Thumbs up if you love your life.
Waterfalls of Banos Ecuador
Lunch with the Spaniards after an amazing waterfall bath

See also  If I had a Castle...

7 Responses

    1. Plus 1, it does mean Bathroom. I think it’s because there are a ton of thermal baths and waterfalls around the area.

    1. One day accepting invitations from strangers might catch up to me but until that time, it’s days like this that makes everything come together.

  1. Thanks Sebastian, yeah it’s moments like this that makes traveling so amazing to me. It pushes me to return the favor when I’m at home or in a big group.

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